In the case of a medication being ineffective

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This section pulls in any allergies entered in SmartCare or entered directly here for the patient.  Any allergy information entered here gets pushed back to SmartCare. This is also where […]

The SmartView

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When you have the client open, click on the SmartView icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This opens up the SmartView side panel. This will remain open […]

The Caseload Widget

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This widget allows you to easily see your caseload. Clicking on any of the links will take you to the My Caseload list page.  Just like any list page, you […]

The Appointments For Today Widget

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Step by step video guide here: This widget allows you to see your daily schedule at a glance. This includes non-client time, such as meetings and time off, as […]

Care Team Widget

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The goal of this widget is help users to better understand who is on a client’s care team with a visualization based on the number of recent interactions. This can […]

How to Use List Pages

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List pages are found throughout SmartCare. List pages are called such as they list information. Most list pages will have a number of in parentheses next to the screen name, […]

Making a QuickLink 

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Certain functionalities and screens can only have a QuickLink rather than be added as a Favorite. We have submitted a ticket because occasionally the information will not appear immediately so […]

How to Associate Two or More Documents

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Sometimes it’s necessary to associate two documents together.  Examples: A client has signed a paper version of a consent in Spanish. This paper version has been scanned in. You complete […]