How to Print a Document to Get a Client’s Signature

  1. After you have completed the form, click Sign to create the PDF document.
    click Sign to create the PDF document
  2. Click the Print icon once the document has generated.
    Click the Print icon
  3. Have the client sign the paper document and scan the document back into SmartCare. (See How do I scan a document into the client’s record?)
  4. Navigate back to the form in SmartCare and click the Plus Sign icon.
    click the Plus Sign icon
  5. Click the radio button to select the client’s name.
  6. Click the Co-Sign button.
    Click the Co-Sign button
  7. In the Signature Page pop-up, click to select the radio button for Client Signed Paper Document.
  8. Click to select the radio button
  9. The document will now display the client’s signature was obtained on paper.
    the client’s signature was obtained