How to Document Lab Results

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Lab Interface  If your county has a lab interface, lab orders placed in SmartCare can automatically be sent to the lab.  1. Lab orders have been set up as Quick […]

Reordering Diagnoses List 

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It can be helpful to understand how Smartcare’s Diagnoses Lists are stored by programs and by CDAG. Diagnoses List are unique to each program and there it is possible to […]

How to Discontinue Standing Lab Orders

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With a client record open, click the Search icon. Search for Client Orders. Select Client Orders (Client).   You must modify or discontinue  using the parent order.  It cannot be […]

In the case of a medication being ineffective

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This section pulls in any allergies entered in SmartCare or entered directly here for the patient.  Any allergy information entered here gets pushed back to SmartCare. This is also where […]