Configuration Keys 

While most configuration keys are managed and set by CalMHSA, some can be edited by the county if desired. This page will list configuration keys that counties may edit. If you would like to make a change, please feel free to reach out to CalMHSA for help. There are also steps laid out below on how to navigate to and change a configuration key. 


Brief Description: This configuration key indicates the number of months past a staff’s license’s expiration date that services can still be provided.  

Details: A user’s license determines what procedure codes can be selected for a service they provide. A user’s license is entered on the Staff Details screen in the Licenses/Degrees tab. If you include an expiration date when entering a user’s license, SmartCare will stop the user from being able to select related procedure codes for services scheduled or provided after that date. Some providers are scheduled months out in advance. This may mean that they are scheduled for services even after their license is set to expire, with the expectation that the provider’s license will be renewed before that service takes place. This does NOT only allow the provider to be scheduled for a service but will also allow the provider to complete the service.  

Default Value: 0  
This means that SmartCare will allow for scheduling of services 0 months after a license expires. This, in essence, means that a user cannot be scheduled for a service if the date of that service is after the license expiration date.  

Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 
These values indicate the number of months after the expiration date that the user can be scheduled for a service. Please note that this includes providing a service and marking it as complete.  

Example: Today is 1/1/24. Doctor Jimenez’s license expires on 3/31/24. She doesn’t plan to submit her license renewal until February, but her receptionist, Ravi, is attempting to schedule her for April services, as she’s often booked out for 6 months. By default, Ravi is unable to schedule any services for Doctor Jimenez after 3/31/24. This configuration key is changed to “3”. Ravi is now able to schedule services for Doctor Jimenez through 6/30/24. If Doctor Jimenez doesn’t get her renewal information back until 4/15/24, she will still be able to write her notes and complete any services she provided between 3/31/24 and 4/15/24.  


Brief Description:  This configuration key allows a county to set a restriction on group notes that limits the programs available in a group note to only those a client is enrolled in. 

Details: When creating a group, SmartCare asks you for a default program. When a service for this group is created, all services for all clients will be associated to this program. Sometimes, a client may attend a group where they are not enrolled in that program. If a county is ok with this, then this configuration key can be set to “No”. If a county wants to make sure that the service associated with the client is associated with a program the client is enrolled in, setting this configuration key to “Yes” will cause the system to validate the client’s enrollment in the designated program. If the client is not enrolled in the program that the service is connected to, a validation error will popup, alerting the user to this. The user will NOT be able to sign the service for this client until the service is associated with a program the client is enrolled in. This can be done by enrolling the client in the program that the service is associated with OR changing the program the service is associated with to one the client is already enrolled in.  

Default Value: Yes 
This means that the system will not allow a user to sign a group service note for a client when the service is associated with a program the client is not enrolled in. 

Allowed Values: “Yes”, “No” 
Selecting “No” will turn off this validation, allowing clients to have a group service for a program they’re not enrolled in.  

Example: Chester is running a group for 5 clients. The default program for the group is the South County Clinic program. Two of these clients, Nancy and Hiram, aren’t currently enrolled in the South County Clinic program. When Chester goes to write his group notes, the South County Clinic is automatically chosen as the service’s program for each client.  

Value = “Yes”: Chester tries to sign his notes and gets a validation popup indicating that 2 clients, Nancy and Hiram, aren’t currently enrolled in the South County Clinic. Chester determines that Nancy was supposed to be enrolled, but Hiram isn’t. Chester changes Hiram’s service program to the North County Clinic program, which he knows Hiram is enrolled in. Chester enrolls Nancy in the South County Clinic program using Client Programs and Program Assignment Details. Back on the group service details screen, Chester is now able to sign his notes and complete his services. 

Value = “No”: Chester signs his notes. He does not get a validation, because his county is ok with clients not enrolled in the default program (or another program) attending these groups. 


Brief Description: This configuration key allows a county to set a restriction on group notes that limits the procedure codes available in a group note to only those available to the group’s default program. 

Details: When creating a group, SmartCare asks you for a default program and a default procedure code. When a service for this group is created, all services for all clients will use these defaults. Sometimes, a client’s program is changed from the default to another program. This doesn’t impact the procedure code default. However, the default procedure code may not be a procedure code associated with the new program. (Please also note that SmartCare allows you to select a default procedure code regardless of whether the default program is associated with the default procedure code.) If a county is ok with this, then this configuration key can be set to “No”. However, this means that a county may get billing errors when trying to claim for this service, as the procedure codes isn’t available in that program.  

Setting this configuration key to “Yes” will cause the system to validate the procedure code associated with the service is associated with the program the service is associated with. If the service’s selected procedure code is not associated with the service’s selected program, a validation error will popup, alerting the user to this. The user will NOT be able to sign the service for this client until the service’s procedure code is one that is associated with the service’s program. This can be done by changing the service’s program to one that has the selected procedure code associated with it OR by changing the procedure code to one that’s associated with the service’s program.  

Default Value: Yes 
This means that the system will not allow a user to sign a group service note for a client when the procedure code is not associated with the service’s program. 

Allowed Values: “Yes”, “No” 
Selecting “No” will turn off this validation, allowing clients to have a group service for a program they’re not enrolled in.  

Example: Chester is running a group for 5 clients. The default program for the group is the South County Clinic program and the default procedure code is Group Counseling. One of these clients, Hiram, isn’t currently enrolled in the South County Clinic program. When Chester goes to write his group notes, the South County Clinic is automatically chosen as the service’s program for each client. He changes the program for Hiram to be North County Clinic.  

Value = “Yes”: Chester tries to sign his notes and gets a validation popup indicating that Group Counseling isn’t associated with the program North County Clinic. Chester changes the procedure code for Hiram’s service to be group therapy, which is associated with the North County Clinic program. Chester is now able to sign his notes and complete his services. 

Value = “No”: Chester signs his notes. He does not get a validation, because his county is ok with procedure codes not being associated with the program the service is assigned to. They will deal with any billing errors via a different process. 


Brief Description: This configuration key allows a county to set the length of time (in days) from the program discharge date for documents to be associated with that program.  

Details: When creating a document in SmartCare, whether entered directly or scanned/uploaded in, the document needs to be associated with a program for CDAG to work properly. However, sometimes there are documents that are received or finalized after the client has already discharged from that program. In order to be able to add documents to a discharged program, the discharged program must be available in the CDAG window that pops up when creating a new document. This configuration key determines how long a discharged program will be available on the CDAG window. The length of time is measured in days and is based on the date of discharge in the Program Assignment Details screen. 

Default Value: 60  
This means that programs that are discharged will remain available for documents for 60 days after the program’s discharge date.  

Allowed Values: any positive integer 
The number you enter here will be the number of days from the discharge date that the discharged program will still be available to document to. 

Example: A client is discharged from the South County Clinic program on 2/1/24. However, Doctor Jimenez wasn’t able to finish her discharge summary until 2/10/24. When she goes to create the Discharge Summary in SmartCare, the South County Clinic program still shows up on the CDAG window as an available program, since Doctor Jimenez is completing this document within 60 days of the program discharge date. On 5/10/24, a medical records staff, Marie, receives a fax that includes a document she needs to upload to the client’s record. When Marie uploads this document into SmartCare, the South County Clinic program doesn’t show up on her list of options, since it’s now been longer than 60 days from the program discharge date.  


Description: When the value of the key set to “Yes”, then the system will show the “This document is electronically signed by ‘Signer Name’ + ‘Signer Degree’ + on Date with Time” wordings in Signature RDL. Example: “This document is electronically signed by System Admin, IDD Professional on 08/30/2019 9:40 PM”. When this is set to know, signature will simply have the and signing suffix.