How to Create a Letter Template

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CalMHSA has created letter templates for state required items, such as NOABDs. However, counties may need to create their own letter templates to suit their needs. Create a letter template […]

Modifying the Hierarchy Structure

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Sometimes, positions change. New positions are added, some are ended, and some move from one department to another. This article will take you through how to modify the hierarchy itself. […]

Documenting Staff Changes

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While a position might not change, staff changes still exist. When staff change positions, new staff are hired, or existing staff leave, the Org Hierarchy should be updated to reflect […]

Org Hierarchy Overview

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CalMHSA has created an organizational hierarchy within SmartCare to help track clinical positions for managerial and supervisory reporting and analysis. If needed, multiple different hierarchies can be created in a […]

Creating the Org Hierarchy

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Since every organization has their own hierarchy, a System Administrator will have to set up the Org Hierarchy in SmartCare. Open the Org Hierarchy screen. Click on the Search icon. […]

How to Change a Configuration Key

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Click on the Search icon. Type in “Configuration Keys” in the search bar. Select “Configuration Keys (Administration)” from the search results. This takes you to the Configuration Keys screen. Use […]

Configuration Keys 

2023 CalMHSA Logo

While most configuration keys are managed and set by CalMHSA, some can be edited by the county if desired. This page will list configuration keys that counties may edit. If […]

How to Set-Up Supervisor Widgets

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Standard CalMHSA Roles with Supervisor Widgets:  Billing Supervisor Clinician Supervisor Medical Supervisor To enable a user for supervisor widgets, you must first establish supervisory relationships between the supervisor and the […]

How to Update County Information

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There are multiple forms in SmartCare that use county information, such as the county’s Behavioral Health Department’s legal name, access line phone number, etc. This is completed at implementation, but […]