How to Document Treatment Team Meetings

How to Document Internal Treatment Team Meetings

Currently, each treatment team member that plans to bill for their time spent discussing the client with other treatment team members must create their own service note. Currently, SmartCare does not have a method of creating multiple billing claims for a single treatment team note, but CalMHSA is looking into this functionality.

How to Document a Child and Family Team (CFT) Meeting

  1. Make sure the client has “ICC/IHBS” or “Katie A – ICC/IHBS” in the Special Population screen. See How to Identify a Client as Katie-A or Other Special Population for more information.
  2. Create a service note using the TCM/ICC procedure code. See How to Write a Progress Note for a Scheduled Service for more information.
  3. Generally, CFT meetings include a sign-in sheet with everyone’s CFT role. Scan this document in. See How to Scan a Document Into the Client’s Record for more information.
  4. Attach the scanned in sign-in sheet to your service note. See How to Attach a Document to a Service Note for more information.
  5. To find the most recent note that was for a CFT meeting, go to the client’s Documents (Client) page and view which notes have an attached CFT Meeting Sign In Sheet document.

How to Document a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Meeting

  1. Create a service note using the appropriate procedure code. See How to Write a Progress Note for a Scheduled Service for more information.
  2. Generally, MDT meetings include a sign-in sheet with everyone’s CFT role. Scan this document in. See How to Scan a Document Into the Client’s Record for more information.
  3. Attach the scanned in sign-in sheet to your service note. See How to Attach a Document to a Service Note for more information.
  4. To find the most recent note that was for an MDT meeting, go to the client’s Documents (Client) page and view which notes have an attached MDT Meeting Sign In Sheet document.

Updated 7/26/23