Global Codes Managed by Counties

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While most global codes are managed by CalMHSA, some are expected to be county-specific. This page will list global codes that counties are expected to manage themselves. Information on how […]

Global Code Overview

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Click the Search icon. Type “Global Codes” in the Search Bar. Select “Global Codes (Administration)” from the search results. This takes you to the Global Code List page. Since this […]

How to Add to an Existing Global Code

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Click the Search icon. Type “Global Codes” in the Search Bar. Select “Global Codes (Administration)” from the search results. This takes you to the Global Code List page. Use the […]

How to Modify an Existing Global Code

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Click the Search icon. Type Global Codes in the Search Bar. Select Global Codes (Administration). This takes you to the Global Code List page. Use the filters and search to […]