Special Populations


CalMHSA recommends creating special populations sparingly. For example, “FSP” does not need to be added as a special population because all FSP clients will be enrolled in an FSP program and can be tracked via this program enrollment. If there are statewide special population needs, please request that this special population be added by CalMHSA. If there is a county-specific special population need, counties may create these themselves. Again, we recommend that this be done sparingly, as most requests we receive can be tracked via other methods and creating a special population would result in duplicative data entry. 

  • Claim modifiers require additional custom development. This is not addressed in the global code screen. 

How to Create a Special Population

  1. Navigate to the Special Populations global code category. (See How to Add to an Existing Global Code) 
  2. In the Code Details section, enter the Code Name (this is the display name).
  3. Enter either “MH” or “SUD” in the External Code 2 field.  
  4. Enter Sort Order
    • Note: If desired. If items share the same sort order, then the system will sub-sort alphabetically. If no sort order is entered, it will assume the sort order is 0 and will sort this alphabetically first.
  5. Leave the External Code 1 field blank. 
  6.  Leave the Code field blank.  
  7. Enter a description in the corresponding field.  
  8. Click Insert. 
  9. Click Save