274 Migration & Workflow Q & A
Meeting with Streamline to discuss general questions related to 274 MH & SUD, including migration Time: Monday 11/6 @ 11-12 PST, recurring weekly until the end of December Registration Link: […]
Meeting with Streamline to discuss general questions related to 274 MH & SUD, including migration Time: Monday 11/6 @ 11-12 PST, recurring weekly until the end of December Registration Link: […]
EVENT CANCELLED Registration link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsf-6uqDMpHdCs_te_ggRR_n3N6TYwAuT3
Meeting with Streamline to discuss general questions related to CSI & CalOMS, including migration. Registration: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYud-6vrzsqE9L8qnDZg2vTbq5OIDAqtGVs
As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The […]
Registration link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsf-6uqDMpHdCs_te_ggRR_n3N6TYwAuT3
Meeting with Streamline to discuss general questions related to CSI & CalOMS, including migration. Registration: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYud-6vrzsqE9L8qnDZg2vTbq5OIDAqtGVs
As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The […]
Registration link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsf-6uqDMpHdCs_te_ggRR_n3N6TYwAuT3
Meeting with Streamline to discuss general questions related to 274 MH & SUD, including migration. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElduuhrTwoHNxYYGZiEMPT9Thlv1rNQwA3
Registration Link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcscO-upzMuH9S03dd0JPbdRQqnlgGWFwsn
Registration Link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqd-CtqzoqH9Fgb-kBEvydUKPJMnsKu8Lv
Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIud--hpzoiGtc_dE6hTSh0Ahl4d5eWH8wm