Login Help

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On the login screen, there are links for when you forget your username or password. The system will lock you out after 3 failed login attempts, so we recommend using […]

How to Document Non-Interface Lab Results

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Lab results received from a lab that does not have an interface are scanned into the client’s documentation using the Scan/Upload feature. Click the Search icon. Type “Scan” into the […]

How to Reschedule a Client’s Appointment

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Step by step video guide here: https://vimeo.com/799278463/9c7ddecc17 To reschedule a client’s appointment from your calendar, follow the steps below: From your SmartCare home page, locate the Appointments for Today widget. […]

Overlapping Service Issues 

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Different providers can have overlapping services and use same and/or different procedures for the same patient. The same provider can also have overlapping services using different procedures with the same […]

Prescribing one-half or one-third tablet 

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If you are planning to cut a tablet into half or thirds, please consider using “as directed” and be explicit in your “Instruction Text” which must include dose, frequency, route. […]