Program Set Up: CSU Set-Up

System Administration Guide provides detailed steps on how to create a program. Please reference that guide for details on creating a program. As a reminder, you may have the program already present through data conversion.  Steps below are specific to set up the program for inpatient and residential. I have also referenced areas on conversion files that correspond to these fields.

  1. To begin, navigate to Programs (Administration).
    1. Click on the Search icon.
    2. Type Program.
      1. Only three characters are required before options display.
    3. Select Programs (Administration) from the options.
  1. Once in the Program list page utilize filters to locate your program.
    1. Remember to click the Apply Filter button once you have selected your options.
  2. Select program from Program Name column to open Program Details.
  1. As a reminder, ensure the program is added to a Clinical Data Access Group once the program has been created.
  2. Note: When Programs are created ensure you add the program to ‘BedDay System’ user. This user is added to bed charges, this is a requirement of the system and will not appear on 837i.

CSU Set-Up

  1. Once in Program Details, General tab >  Categories section select the following:
    1. Inpatient Program
    2. Show in White Board

    1. Corresponding conversion file: Setup_Data_Programs
      1. Program Category: InpatientProgram and ShowInWhiteBoard
      2. Y indicates the checkbox would be selected.
      3. Leaving this blank would indicate the checkbox is not selected.
    2. Automatic Attendance would not be utilized for CSU’s.
      1. Services need to be created manually due to time limitations and bundling needs.
      2. This is covered in more details in the CSU Service Creation section. In the General tab
  1. In the General tab >  MAR Setup section select Client Order Meds.
    1. Corresponding conversion file: Setup_Data_Programs
      1. Program Category:  MARClientOrderMedication
      2. Y indicates the checkbox would be selected.
      3. Leaving this blank would indicate the checkbox is not selected.