Billing Committee Meeting


CMS Oct 1st Changes to ICD-10 Codes

Meeting Description: CalMHSA will go over the planned CMS changes to the ICD-10 that go into effect on 10/1/24 and how this impacts SmartCare. This meeting should be attended by […]

Legal Status Training

Note: If you cannot attend this training, a repeate session has been scheduled for 9/19 @4:00pm. Agenda: How track involuntary hold workflow outpt (5150/ conservatorship) and inpt + reports Registration […]

HCAI/OSHPD Steering Committee

Description: CalMHSA will discuss HCAI/OSHPD Steering Committee next steps Registration Link:

Legal Status Training (Repeat Session)

Note: This is a repeat training of the Legal Status Training held on  9/13. You do not need to attend both. Agenda: Agenda: How track involuntary hold workflow outpt (5150/ […]

Care Coordination Updates

Description: CalMHSA will be providing County EHR Leads an update on the Care Coordination module, based on the testing and feedback of the county workgroup. This will include the current […]

County Shared Decision Making – TADT Design Updates

Agenda: In this county shared decision-making meeting, we'll go over some tentative designs to make improvements to the TADT documents in SmartCare. This meeting should be attended by county EHR […]

Billing Committee Meeting


Connex Makeup Training Session


Connex Office Hours


Collective Dashboard Discussion

Agenda: This meeting will be to review and discuss the Collective Dashboard Registration Link:  

Connex Provider Directory Power User Training

Register here: Email with any questions or concerns.

Billing Committee Meeting

Registration Link:

Webinar – CARE Act in the EHR, An Overview

Agenda: This will be an overview of the CARE Act implementation in the EHR. This will include the basics of CARE Act workflows, CARE Act reporting requirements, and related CARE […]

Connex Office Hours

November Connex Office Hours: The next monthly Connex Office Hours session will take place on Wednesday, November 20th from 11:00am-12:00pm. Registration Link:

County Shared Decision Making – ePrescribing & 42 CFR

Description: Discussion of how electronic prescribing is impacted by 42 CFR Part 2. CalMHSA will present the current perspective that is being used to drive EHR functionality and where this […]

Training – Service Authorization Request

Meeting Description: CalMHSA will be presenting the Service Authorization Request and Approval process to counties. This training will go over the necessary system setup, the end-user process, the billing ramifications, […]

Connex Makeup Training

Registration Link: This session will contain both standard Connex user training and enhanced training for provider directory power users.

CalMHSA Rx Demo

The CalMHSA EHR Team is pleased to announce two upcoming information sessions in which we will be demonstrating CalMHSA Rx, the EHR's new pharmacy integration solution. CalMHSA Rx utilizes the […]

CalMHSA Rx Demo (Repeat)

The CalMHSA EHR Team is pleased to announce two upcoming information sessions in which we will be demonstrating CalMHSA Rx, the EHR's new pharmacy integration solution. CalMHSA Rx utilizes the […]

Connexing the Dots: Enhancing Care through Closed Loop Referrals

Agenda: Learn more about Closed Loop Referrals through Connex. This session will contain a live demonstration, opportunity for Q&A, and extra time allotted for other interoperability updates. Registration Link:

Connex Office Hours

Registration Link:  

CalMHSA Help Desk Updates and HubSpot Training

Meeting Description: This meeting will cover important CalMHSA Help Desk Updates and training on how counties can contact the Helpw Desk for Live Chat, Ticket submission, and the new Customer […]