Care Coordination Updates

Description: CalMHSA will be providing County EHR Leads an update on the Care Coordination module, based on the testing and feedback of the county workgroup. This will include the current proposal of postponing most of the module. This will also include updates on the Service Authorization Request. Registration Link:

County Shared Decision Making – TADT Design Updates

Agenda: In this county shared decision-making meeting, we'll go over some tentative designs to make improvements to the TADT documents in SmartCare. This meeting should be attended by county EHR project leads. Registration Link:

County Share Decision Making Meeting: AB 352 – Proposal for Initial Compliance

Agenda: CalMHSA has discussed the requirements and restrictions of AB 352 with our counsel and have plan to implement basic compliance with the law, with further enhancements to follow. We want to discuss these plans with the counties and get feedback. Who Should Attend: QA staff, sys admin, county counsels. Registration Link:

Billing Committee Meeting


Connex Office Hours


Collective Dashboard Discussion

Agenda: This meeting will be to review and discuss the Collective Dashboard Registration Link:  

Billing Committee Meeting

Registration Link:

Webinar – CARE Act in the EHR, An Overview

Agenda: This will be an overview of the CARE Act implementation in the EHR. This will include the basics of CARE Act workflows, CARE Act reporting requirements, and related CARE Act setup. This meeting is intended for county EHR project leads and county CARE Act project leads. Registration Link:

Connex Office Hours

November Connex Office Hours: The next monthly Connex Office Hours session will take place on Wednesday, November 20th from 11:00am-12:00pm. Registration Link:

County Shared Decision Making – ePrescribing & 42 CFR

Description: Discussion of how electronic prescribing is impacted by 42 CFR Part 2. CalMHSA will present the current perspective that is being used to drive EHR functionality and where this perspective comes from. County staff will have the opportunity to provide feedback on this topic. Recommended for the following county staff: Privacy Officers, Compliance Officers, […]