July 12, 2024
Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact ehr@calmhsa.org.
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County Approval Needed to Move 2024-25 Rates From QA to Production
The 2024-25 rates have been effective in counties’ QA environments for one week. CalMHSA is prepared to implement these rates in the production environment upon receipt of each county’s approval. County rates will not be moved into Prod until that approval has been received.
To move forward with production, please email one of the following statements:
“We are confident in the testing conducted. We accept the risk associated with any misconfigured rates. Move the rates into production.” (If you select this option, please provide a brief summary of the tests performed. Your insights can be valuable for other counties.)
“We did not conduct testing but accept the risk associated with any misconfigured rates. Move the rates into production.”
Send your email to the following individuals:
- Roksana Dahl at roksana.dahl@calmhsa.org
- Khristy Stephan at khristy.stephan@calmhsa.org
- Lisa Kirlin at lisa.kirlin@calmhsa.org
When conducting your testing, please follow these key scenarios:
- Individual therapy
- Group sessions
- Assessments
The add-on code configuration for 2023-24 — which ended on June 30 — has a termination date set in QA. This ensures it does not interfere with testing the new configuration for 2024-25, and it includes the add-on codes for individual therapy, group therapy, assessment LPHA and assessment MD.
Key points to focus on:
- Coverage of both mental health and substance use services
- Accuracy in applying new rates and procedure codes, especially for recovery programs
Refer to these testing guidelines for more information. Requests for further assistance can be sent to the individuals listed above.
April and May MSPs Ready for Testing
The April and May MSPs are now available in QA for testing; release notes are available on the Release Notes web page. CalMHSA is currently testing these MSPs in the QA environment, with the goal of completing all tasks by July 25.
Counties are free to test any bug fixes or new features outlined in the April and May release notes. CalMHSA highly values your participation and teamwork as we work to get the MSPs into production. To send any feedback, please submit a Helix ticket with the prefix [MSP] in the subject line.
Learn About Care Coordination Module Development on July 26
CalMHSA continues to work on developing the Care Coordination module and will provide an update on its development and next steps on July 26 from 10-11 a.m. All clinical workflow subject matter experts and EHR project managers are encouraged to attend. Please note: This is separate from the Care Coordination workgroup of counties that have volunteered to help test functionality. Register here
New Verbiage for Medication Consent Allows Greater Flexibility
For the medication consent with Rx for specific medications, the verbiage has been changed from “patient has consented by phone” to “verbal consent obtained. This will allow for more flexibility to the modality.
New Whiteboard Options for Inpatient/CSU Residential Units
For inpatient/CSU and residential units that use Whiteboard, the following have been added as options for the Precautions column:
- 1:1
- AWOL Risk
Validations Added to Client Information Demographics Tab
CalMHSA has placed validations on certain fields in the Demographics tab on the Client Information screen because we have received feedback that, when these fields are not completed, issues may arise with billing and reporting. The validations will strongly encourage users to enter information for these fields but will not prohibit a user from saving if not completed. These validations are created using an application called WalkMe; they are not programmed internally with SmartCare. They will be placed on the age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation demographics.
This Week’s Production Updates
New functionality in the EHR – and what you need to know about it – is available here.
Upcoming Initiatives
See the EHR Product Team’s ambitious upcoming initiatives in this list, updated weekly as products and priorities evolve — and sortable by topics like medical, clinical billing and more.
Event Name |
Date |
Time |
Registration Link |
Reports Workshop |
7/17/24 |
10:00 am – 11:00 am |
State Reporting Review |
7/18/24 |
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |
CalOMS Weekly Discussion |
7/19/24 |
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |
CalMHSA Connex Office Hours |
7/24/24 |
11:00 am – 12:00 pm |
Billing Office Hours |
7/25/24 |
10:00 am – 11:00 am |
State Reporting Review |
7/25/24 |
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |
Care Coordination Changes Meeting |
7/26/24 |
10:00 am – 11:00 am |
CalOMS Weekly Discussion |
7/26/24 |
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |