EHR Weekly Bulletin

January 30, 2025

Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact [email protected]. 

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Feedback Results on Clinical Supervisor User Role, Access to Services (My Office) 

CalMHSA appreciates the feedback received from 11 counties on a survey request. Of the counties that responded, three requested this permission be removed from the clinical supervisor role and eight requested it remain as the default.

Some counties that requested to leave it in by default reported workarounds for giving CBO supervisors (and not others) certain permissions in the clinical supervisor role. Counties that preferred to have this removed were concerned about the level of billing functionality that supervisors can access while on this screen (e.g., being able to error out services), an action that some other counties requested for supervisors.

To accommodate as broadly as possible, CalMHSA will run a script to grant the Services (My Office) Add-on user role to any staff user who currently has the Clinician Supervisor user role. After this script is run, the permission will be removed from the Clinician Supervisor user role. This will mean no change in functionality for users, but counties that wish to remove permission to the Services (My Office) list page will be able to do so as needed for any of their users.

CalMHSA will also run the same script and permission removal for the Medical Supervisor user role. The Billing, Billing Supervisor, Medical Records/Quality Assurance, Contractor, Full Permissions and County Affiliate SysAdmin user roles will continue to have permission to the Services (My Office) list page.

Accordingly, as part of removing this list page, access will be removed to the detail pages. The following permissions will be removed: 

– Screens: My Office: Services — the list page in question 
– Screens: My Office: Service Detail — the detail page associated with the list page 
– Screens: My Office: Service Detail My Office — a potential detail page 
– Screens: Client: Service Detail — the detail page associated with the Services (Client) list page 

We will create and run the script over the next few weeks. We expect no discernable change in functionality for current users. Once the script has been completed in production systems and the permissions removed from the user roles in question, counties will be notified via the EHR Bulletin.

Counties May Need to Manually Correct Order Frequencies in Medication Rx 

In December, CalMHSA alerted counties to issues with order frequencies that might impact existing orders. For several order frequencies in Medication Rx, Streamline was unable to disable and replace automatically. We have now disabled and invalidated these frequencies because of functionality issues.  

Counties that had existing orders using these frequencies will need to manually fix them. For future orders, please use the following:

  • For Daily, please now use Once a Day. 
  • For Once (PRN), please use Once as Needed 
  • For Every 48 Hours and Every 48 Hours PRN, use 3x a week or 4x a week and indicate in instructions to patient the days they should take their medications. 

 We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 


CARE Act Reporting Training Feb. 13 

During the Feb. 13 State Reporting Office Hours, CalMHSA will offer training on pulling data to submit to DHCS for CARE Act reporting. 

Development on this will be deployed to QA environments on Feb. 4. We hope to deploy this to production environments the weekend of Feb. 8-9 to allow access in production systems on Feb. 10. Please note: This production date is not yet certain, but CalMHSA is working toward getting this into county systems as soon as possible for the March 1 deadline. Knowledge Base articles will be posted as they are created, and links will be provided at the Feb. 13 training. 


Client Programs Widget Update 

CalMHSA has added a filter to the Client Programs Widget as requested by counties.  

Counties can now filter this widget based on program status. For clients who have many enrollments, this widget may require additional time to access all data. Please note that, due to a small system limitation, the widget will default to “All” every time it is viewed. 


Lab Order Change

CalMHSA will be pushing a validation for the clinic/location dropdown menu for all labs being completed in client orders. This will include a red star to highlight the clinic/location dropdown that must be filled out. Counties will be unable to insert this order to the Order List until information is selected in this field.


This Week’s Production Updates 

New functionality in the EHR – and what you need to know about it – is available here.  

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