Services (My Office) List Pages

The Services (My Office) list page is a screen where you can see all client services that have been rendered by a clinician. The client services are displayed in a series of columns that identify specific criteria based on the selected filters.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type “Services” in the search bar.
  3. Select “Services (My Office)” from the search results.

This will bring up the Services (My Office) list page.


The following filters are available on this List Page:

    1. All Services: Click this drop-down to filter by service type. 
    2. All Service Statuses: Click this drop-won menu to filter by the status of the service such as, error, scheduled, show, etc. 
    3. Include Do Not Complete: You can exclude or include do not complete services. 
    4. All Programs: Click this drop down to filter by a specific program. 
    5. Financial Assignment: Click this drop-down to filter by financial assignment. 
    6. All Locations: Click this drop-down to filter by location the service took place in. 
    7. All Procedure Codes: Click this drop-down to filter by a specific procedure code. 
    8. All Clinicians: Click this drop-down menu to filter by clinician. 
    9. All Service Entry Staff: Click this drop-won menu to filter by the staff that entered the service. 
    10. All Service Areas: Click this drop-down menu to filter by DMC or MH. 
    11. Service ID: You can free text the service ID number here. 
    12. Entered From and To: You can enter a date range here related to when the service was entered. 
    13. DOS From and To: You can enter a date range here related to when the date of service was. 
    14. Checkbox to include services created from claims.
    15. Checkbox to only include services with add on codes.
    16. Checkbox to only show non-billable services.
    17. Client Name: Type the client’s name here to search by client. Or you can click the ellipsis button to do a client search. 
    18. Organizational Hierarchy
    19. Click Apply Filter once the appropriate options have been selected. 


    1. Client Name: The client’s name and client ID number will appear here. The hyperlink will take you to the Client Account screen. 
    2. DOS: Date of Service Time and Date will appear here. This hyperlink will take you to the Service Detail screen. 
    3. Units: Number of unites will appear here. 
    4. Charge (Rate Id): The charge rate will appear here. 
    5. Procedure: The procedure tied to the service will appear here. 
    6. Status: The status of the service will appear here such as, Error, Show, Complete, etc. 
    7. Clinician: The clinician tied to the service will appear here. 
    8. Program: The program tied to the service will appear here. 
    9. Location: Location of the service will appear here. 
    10. Comment: Any comments will appear here. (not pictured)
    11. Failure to complete Reason(s): If the service was not completed the reason will appear here. (not pictured)
    12. Add on Codes: Any add on codes will appear here. (not pictured)
    13. Group Name: n/a
    14. Telehealth (not pictured)

Upper Right-Hand Icons

    1. Select Action: When lines are selected below you will be able to perform the pictured actions. 
    2. New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
    3. Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
    4. Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.
    5. New Icon: Will take you to the Service Entry screen where you can enter a new service. 

Exported Columns

  • Client Name
  • DOS
  • Procedure
  • Clincian
  • Program
  • Location
  • Comment
  • Charge (Rate Id)
  • Failure to complete Reason(s),Status
  • Units
  • Complete Error Message
  • Service Units
  • Add On Codes
  • Group Name