OHC Outstanding Claims Report

Report Description
This report is designed to display services that have been claimed where liability has distributed to private insurance and their accounts are in arrears greater than 90 plus days. The report will enforce CDAG security
Report NameMenu PathClient BasedReport RDL Name
CalMHSA OHC Outstanding Claims Report Reports/CalMHSA OHC Outstanding Claims ReportNRDLCALMHSA_OHC90DayClaims.rdl
ParametersData TypeHiddenComments
Clinical Data Access GroupIdIntegerYPassed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
Executed By StaffIdIntegerYPassed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
DataSetsForm(s)CDAG EnforcedComments
Column #1Column #2Column #3Column #3
Column #1Column #2Column #3Column #3