Report Description |
This report is designed to display client medications ordered from the Rx module in SmartCare. The design and layout is based on the existing SmartCare product report – Client Medications by Program however this report – CalMHSA Client Meds By Program Report will allow a user to select multiple programs in the Program parameter. |
Report Name | Menu Path | Client Based | Report RDL Name |
CalMHSA Client Meds By Program Report | Reports/ CalMHSA Client Meds By Program Report | N | Client Medications by Program.rdl |
Parameters | Data Type | Hidden | Comments |
ExecutedByStaffId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG |
Executed By StaffId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in staff person |
Program | Integer | N | Program multiple select based on logged in user CDAG and staff programs |
Date | Date | N | Default to current date |
DataSets | Form(s) | CDAG Enforced | Comments |
DataSet1 | Medications | Y | This query will display any medications where the medication has not been discontinued. It will retrieve the client id, medication id, client name, medication name, any instructions, the medication start and end dates, script order and created dates, and the user who entered and prescribed the medication. |
GetCountyLogo | N/A | N/A | County logo image for display on page header |
Program | Staff/User | Y | Used to populate the Program parameter with active programs that the user has access to in Staff profile |
Default User Roles |
Administrator - Non-Clinical Billing Billing Supervisor CalMHSA SysAdmin County Affiliate SysAdmin Medical Records/Quality Assurance Reception/Front Desk UM |