PSC-35 Reporting List Page

The PSC-35 Reporting List Page displays information about PSC-35 reports.  This page shows the current record status and any errors in PSC-35 reports that must be corrected before batching. This page is client-specific, so you must select a client before reviewing the PSC-35 Reporting List Page.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type PSC-35 Reporting List Page in the search bar.
  3. Select the PSC-35 Reporting List Page from the search results.

This will bring up the PSC-35 Reporting List Page.


    1. Date Range: You can put a custom date range using these fields.
    2. Record ID: Type in the Record ID here to pull records only associated with the Record ID.
    3. Batch ID: Type in the Batch ID here to pull records only associated with the Batch ID
    4. Client ID: Type in the Client ID here to pull records only associated with the ClientID
    5. Program: Click this down-down menu to filter by records associated with a specific program. 
    6. Provider: If the County entity and is utilizing MCO, this will indicate which Contracted Provider the PSC record is associated with. 
    7. Reason for Assessment: Here are checkboxes that allow you to choose more than one option such as, discharge, initial, urgent, etc.
    8. Record Types: This is defaulted to PSC and does not have another option. 
    9. Record Status: Here you can select multiple options based on the status of the record. 
    10. Responsible Staff: You can filter based on self-report or staff report.
    11. Managing Entity (county)
    12. Batch Types: This is defaulted to only PSC and there are no other options.
    13. Errors: Here you can filter by one or more error types.
    14. Click Apply Filter once the appropriate options have been selected. 


    1. Record ID:  This is the unique number associated with record and the hyperlink will take you to the PSC-35 Record Detail screen. 
    2. Record Type: Will always be PSC. 
    3. Effective Date: The date the record became effective. The hyperlink will take you to the PSC-35 (California Pediatric Symptom Checklist) document. 
    4. Errors: This will display an error if one exists. 
    5. Record Date
    6. Client: Name of the client and client ID.
    7. Program/Provider:  Here you will see the program associated with this record. 

Upper Right-Hand Icons

  1. Action Drop-Down: From here based on the records you have selected, you can take actions like create a batch or refresh date, etc. 
  2. New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
  3. Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
  4. Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.

Exported Columns

  • Record Id
  • Record Type
  • Document Id
  • Effective Date
  • Record Status
  • Errors
  • Record Date
  • Client
  • Program/Provider
  • Batch Type
  • Last batch submission date
  • Last Batch ID
  • Responsible Staff
  • Reason For Assessment
  • Date Of Last CANS
  • Date Of last ANSA