Overview of Overnight Billing Jobs

1835 Process Uploaded FileProcesses uploaded 835 files and applies payments, adjustments and transfers
2Create Bed ServicesCreates bed services when the Census functionality is being used 
3Generate Bundled ServicesBundles services based on specifications in the system
4Update Aid Code In Custom ChargesLinks the current Medi-Cal Aid Code to the Charge 
5Attach Diagnosis to Show ServicesRefreshes the diagnosis on the Billing Diagnosis tab in the Service Note for services that are in a show status
6csp_CalMHSA_job_ApplyDiagnosisToCompletedServicesCustom step for CalMHSA which will insert Service Diagnosis records into completed services created by the upload process that do not already have Service Diagnosis records 
7Service CompletionCompletes services with no errors and creates the charge for billing
8Set Charge Ready To BillCharges will be set to Ready to Bill if there are no errors or warnings
9ReallocationThe reallocation process looks for various changes in the system and reallocates charges accordingly (Ex. Coverage Plan changes)
10Ready To Bill – 2Once the reallocation job runs, the Ready to Bill job runs for a second time. Charges with no errors or warnings will be set to Ready to Bill
11Allowed Amount AdjustmentsProcesses any allowed amount adjustments that have been set up in the Plan details
12Client Fee AdjustmentsProcesses any Client Fee adjustments based on Client Fee records
13Auto Post Client PaymentsPosts client payments that were set to Auto Post when the payments were entered
14Create Custom Timely Filing WarningsGenerates charge errors based on Plan Rules to allow for Delay Reason Code submission
15Create Custom EPSDT IndicatorGenerates the EPSDT Indicator in the claim file when applicable
16Fix Open Charges, Unposted Payments and Client BalancesGeneral data validation check process, checks the calculations for these fields
17Create RWQM Work Queue ItemsBased on RWQM rules set up, moves items into the RWQM Work Queues
18csp_CalMHSASetCaliforniaBatchServiceListRecordsOverrideErrorCustom step CalMHSA created
19Create Batch ServicesCreates services that have been imported through the service import process
20Process claims queued in CustomQueuedClaimprocessesProcesses claim batches that have been queued up to process during off peak hours