Order set up includes order types and based on the Order Type selected different options can appear in the Order Detail screen. Sections below cover differences for different Order Types.
Medication type is used to create medication orders. Below are items that were not covered in the General Order Set Up section.
Note: Medication orders can be created as adhoc orders for users.
- The Order Setup section includes Medication Search, Administration Time Window, and Stock Medication fields.
- Type into Medication Search the medication you are looking for and select from options. Options will display as you search.
- Note: Medications displayed come from First Databank. Job to have the latest medications from First Databank will only run in your SETUP/PROD environment.
- Administration Time Window indicates the window of time the medication can be administered.
- The system defaults to 60 minutes for the administration window. However, the option attached to the order will override the system window.
- Stock Medication, when selected, identifies to dispense the medication from the stock supply stored at the unit.
- Type into Medication Search the medication you are looking for and select from options. Options will display as you search.

- Strengths indicate the strengths the medication can be ordered with. Users will only see the strength you indicate in this set up.
- To add a strength select an option from the dropdown and click the Add button.
- Preferred NDC can be selected if needed.
- If selected an information icon will appear next to the strength field, in order entry, and will display educational information when hovered over.
- Preferred NDC can be selected if needed.
- You can select one of the options as default by selecting a radio button next to the option. This will default this option for users when creating an order.
- To add a strength select an option from the dropdown and click the Add button.

- Route indicates the route to be used when administering the medication.
- Note: Route options displayed are dependent on the medication selected.
- To add a route select an option from the dropdown and click the Add button.
- You can select one of the options as default by selecting a radio button next to the option. This will default this option for users when creating an order.

- Medication orders have additional fields to set defaults for end users, within Medication Details section. This saves the user clicks from having to select common options. Note: Any set defaults can be overridden by the user at the time of order entry.
- See screenshots below for all defaults that can be set and where they carry over to in the order.

- Medication orders have different Options that display, and some that default.

- Order rational and Order Comments will default to yes and cannot be modified. Add Order to MAR will default to Yes and can be modified.
- Dual Sign Required: When yes, at time of administration user will have to enter their password and an additional user will need to enter their username and password at time of administration.
- Self Administered: When yes, May Self Administer checkbox will automatically be selected when order is created. User can remove checkbox selection.

- Consent Required: When yes, consent checkbox in order entry will automatically be checked. When checked medication cannot be administered until a consent is signed.
- Pain Level Required?: When yes, pain level will need to be entered at time of administration.

- Multiple Admins Allowed Within Hour: When yes, users will be able to administer medication more than once within an hour.
- Note: MAR will not alert for more than what frequency is set but they system will not prevent a medication from being administered within the hour.
- Multiple Admins Allowed Within Hour: When yes, users will be able to administer medication more than once within an hour.

- Titration/Taper?: When yes, Titration/Taper button will appear in next to insert. User can click Titration/Taper to identify each step.

- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Machine Connection Required, and Take Home Allowed are for MAT functionality and not being used at this time.
Additional orders tend to be used for items related to legal and do not appear on the MAR. Below are items that were not covered in the General Order Set Up section.
- Diagnoses indicate the diagnoses that populate the dropdown in order entry. Users can select from these diagnoses or use a different diagnosis.

- To add a diagnosis, type a code or a description into the corresponding fields, a diagnosis pop-up window will appear. Select the correct diagnosis and click the OK button.

- Additional orders have different Options that display.

- Diagnosis Required: When yes, a diagnosis will be required in the order before being able to sign it.
- Whiteboard Legal: When yes, the Legal field will appear in the order entry screen and will carry over to the Whiteboard.

- Whiteboard Level: When yes, the Level field will appear in the order entry screen and will carry over to the Whiteboard.
- Level is not used at this time.
- Whiteboard Level: When yes, the Level field will appear in the order entry screen and will carry over to the Whiteboard.

Adaptive Equipment
Adaptive Equipment orders should be used for adaptive equipment. Below are items that were not covered in the General Order Set Up section.
- Diagnoses indicate the diagnoses that populate the dropdown in order entry. Users can select from these diagnoses or use a different diagnosis.

- To add a diagnosis, type a code or a description into the corresponding fields, a diagnosis pop-up window will appear. Select the correct diagnosis and click the OK button.

- Additional orders have different Options that display.

- Diagnosis Required: When yes, a diagnosis will be required in the order before being able to sign it.
- Whiteboard Legal: When yes, the Legal field will appear in the order entry screen and will carry over to the Whiteboard.

- Whiteboard Level: When yes, the Level field will appear in the order entry screen and will carry over to the Whiteboard.
- Level is not used at this time.
- Whiteboard Level: When yes, the Level field will appear in the order entry screen and will carry over to the Whiteboard.

Below are items that are specific to Lab orders and were not covered in the General Order Set Up section.
Note: Lab orders are created by Streamline when their is a lab interface. It is created from your compendium.
- The Order Setup section includes Health Data Template, this allows you to add a flow sheet to the order so results can be entered or carried over to the flow sheet.

- Only templates/flow sheets set up as Lab Order = Yes can be searched for in this field.
- To add a template, type the template name in Health Data Template field and select it from options. Options will display as you search.
- This field is not required.
- Laboratories section appear but would only be used if you have a lab interface.
- This would be set up by Streamline.

- Diagnoses indicate the diagnoses that populate the dropdown in order entry. Users can select from these diagnoses or use a different diagnosis.

- To add a diagnosis, type a code or a description into the corresponding fields, a diagnosis pop-up window will appear. Select the correct diagnosis and click the OK button.

- Lab orders have different Options that display.

- Diagnosis Required: When yes, a diagnosis will be required in the order before being able to sign it.
- Draw from Service Center: When yes, Draw From Service Center field will appear at time of Order Entry indicating that draw should occur.

- Clinic/Location (default) is set up when a lab interface is present.
- This is set up by Streamline.
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is not utilized at this time.
- Clinic/Location (default) is set up when a lab interface is present.
Safety Check
Safety Check orders are orders that appear in the Whiteboard under Next Check and Last Check columns; the indicate the time based on the frequency. Below are items that are specific to Lab orders and were not covered in the General Order Set Up section.
- The Order Setup section includes Health Data Template and # of Minutes field

- Health Data Template allows you to add a flow sheet to the order. This flow sheet template will appear while documenting checks.
- Only templates/flow sheets identified as Safety Checks can be searched for in this field.
- To add a template, type the template name in Health Data Template field and select it from options. Options will display as you search.
- This field is not required.
- # of minutes is the increments at which the safety check should occur. For example, Q15 checks should have 15 in the fields.
- Type the frequency of the checks into the field.
- Health Data Template allows you to add a flow sheet to the order. This flow sheet template will appear while documenting checks.
- Safety checks do not have a Frequencies section as the frequency is tied to the # of Minutes field.
- Safety orders have less Options that display, however they do have Diagnosis Required option.

- Diagnosis Required: When yes, a diagnosis will be required in the order before being able to sign it.
Dietary order was an option added specifically for CalMHSA, however there is no logic specifically for this. For this reason Dietary orders shows almost all options within the system; including options that are specific to Activity orders (which is not used for these settings). For setting up Dietary orders stay with options within General Order Set Up and Additional sections.