Minor Consent, Conservatorship, and Guardians 

When signing documents in SmartCare, there are some documents that will automatically add the client as a cosigner. When this is the case and the client has a guardian designated in their Client Information: Contacts screen, the guardian will also automatically be added as a cosigner. When either the client or the guardian signs a document, the document is considered complete. The system does not automatically know whether the signature is appropriate or not. For example, for a child who is under 12 years old, their signature is good to have on a consent form, but the guardian’s signature is the legal authority. If the child signs before the guardian does, the system will mark the document as complete.  


Keep this in mind when working with clients who may require others to sign documents on their behalf. You will have to make the determination of who should be required to sign the document, based on different rules and laws.  


In the same way you can always add cosigners, you can also remove cosigners that have been added. To remove a cosigner that is not required, click on the Delete icon next to their name.  

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