Medication List

Step by step video guide here:

The Patient Summary screen in SmartCare Rx contains a medication list which can show all the medications a client is taking.  This list can contain medications you prescribe and allows for adding medications that others have prescribed or have been purchased over the counter.  For the ones we have prescribed, it can allow us to re-order drugs on the list, change the order of a drug on the list, as well as show us drug interaction warnings.

  1. Select X to remove (discontinue) medication from list.
  2. Rx symbol indicates ordered medication and Black Bottle indicates non-ordered medication.
  3. Select Orange Information Circle to view educational material about drug and print.
  4. Yellow Exclamation means missing patient consent and Green Checkmark means consent obtained.
  5. Allergy/Drug Interaction Warnings. The number indicates the severity and the matching colors indicate which drugs are interacting.
  6. Comments in this section are not what is put on the bottle but what is communicated with the pharmacy.