My Reports List Page

The My Reports (My Office) List Page shows you all reports that you have access to based on your specified role. Reports shown on this List Page can also be directly accessed through the Search Box. All roles should utilize this List Page because it allows you to see what reports you have  

  1. Click on the Search icon. 
  2. Type “My Reports” in the search bar. 
  3. Select “My Reports (My Office)” from the search results. 
  1. This will open the My Reports List Page.
      1. All Folders (Filter is not formally labeled, this shows the default option when first viewing the screen). A dropdown that allows users to specify the folder the report, they want to look up, is stored at. It is not recommended to use this filter as all CalMHSA created reports are not stored in any of the folders that are available to be selected. Recommended selection is “All folders”.
      2. Search Box that allows users to search up key words in the Report Name column or Description column 
      3. Click Apply Filter.