How to Run Real Time Eligibility (270/271) Screen

Step by step video guide here:

SmartCare has the capability to submit and receive 270/271 real-time eligibility transactions for Medi-Cal from the Coverage screen. In addition, with the click of a button, the system will update the client’s Medi-Cal coverage. Run real-time eligibility transactions on demand in three areas of the system:

  • Coverage (Client) screen
  •  Inquiry (Client) screen
  • Registration (Client) screen

Note: This only covers information for the 270/271 transactions in the Coverage (Client) screen.

  1. Click the Person Search icon.
  2. Type Last Name, First Name into the search bar (or enter client ID number)
  3. Hover over the correct client and click to select Coverage from the right-hand side menu.
  1. From the Coverage screen, click the Verify Eligibility button.
  1. The 270 Insurance Eligibility Verification screen will open. To switch between payers, click the drop-down menu. This will default to Medi-Cal.
    1. Verify the Insured Information section is correct. You can update if needed.
    2. Verify the Client Information section is correct. You can update if needed.
    3. Both Start and End Date defaults to the current date
      • The Start Date is the Card Issue Date (leave as current date if issue date is unknown)
      • The End Date is the date of eligibility being searched for
  2. Click Submit Request. The Response tab should display within seconds. 
  1. Click the 271 Response Your results will be here.

Note: On the Response tab, scroll down to view additional benefits and client information.

Note: Click the Update Coverage button to automatically update the client’s Medi-Cal coverage

Note: Submitted requests that error will display an error message

How to View Previous 270/271 Eligibility Results

  1. To view previous results, on the Coverage screen, click the Verification History button.
  1. The Electronic Verification screen will open. To view a result, click the Verified On hyperlinked date.