How to Refer the Client to Additional Services, Such as Primary Care Physician

If the screening indicates you need to refer to additional services with providers that do not use your county’s instance of SmartCare, follow your county’s procedures for sending these referrals.

  1. To document the referral in SmartCare, you must first have the client open, then click the Search icon.
  2. Type Client Information into the search bar.
  3. Click to select Client Information (Client).Type Client Information
  4. Navigate to the “External Referral” tab.
  5. Complete the information about the referral you’re providing. Put yourself as the Referring Provider.
  6. Click “Insert”.
    Click “Insert”
  7. Your referral should now show in the List of Referrals section. Click Save.
    Your referral should now show in the List of Referrals section