How to Schedule a Bed Change

You can schedule a bed change for a client to occur on a future date. You can schedule a bed change for a client who is already admitted to a bed. A scheduled bed change means you are setting a date and time in the future when the client will be moved to the different bed.

  1. Click the Search icon.
  2. Type ‘Bedboard’ into the search bar. (Or, ‘Residential’.)
  3. Click to select Bedboard (My Office). [Or, Residential (My Office)].
  1. If desired, filter the list to determine the records that are shown.
  2. Find the client on the Bedboard list page.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Status column for the client
  1. Select Schedule Bed Change from the drop-down list. The Census Management – Schedule Bed Change screen opens
  1. Select the new bed from the drop-down list in the Bed field.
  2. Click the Save and Close button in the tool bar. The list page opens. Notice that the Status on the client’s record is changed to Scheduled Bed Change. A new record is created with a status of Scheduled Bed Change, but for the scheduled date of change. To view the new status, change the filter on the list page to the scheduled bed change date.