How to Mark a Flag as Complete

If a flag is not associated with a protocol or a document it can be completed manually by completing the steps below.

  1. You must first have the client open, then click the Search icon.
    1. For directions opening a client see General Client Search section.
  2. Click on the Search icon.
  3. Type Client Flags.
  4. Select Client Flags (Client).                                                       
  1. Once you are in the List Page use the filters to locate the flag(s) you need to complete.
  2. Click on the Note column hyperlink, this will open Client Flag Details.
  1. Enter the End/Completed Date and the Completed By field.
  2. Click the Modify button. This marks the flag as complete.
  3. Click Save and close icons in the tool bar.
  1. Repeat steps 6-9 as needed.