- A Proxy is someone who can author a document or do a task on behalf of another staff/user. To learn more about the Proxy’s Role from the end user’s perspective, read this article: Various Proxy Roles Functionalities
Of note, Proxy is different from Co-sign functionality. Cosigning typically occurs AFTER an order or a service is LIVE and allows for acknowledgement of a document by the listed staff.
- Click the Search icon.
- Type “Staff/Users” into the search bar. Select “Staff/Users (Administration)” from the search results.
3. This takes you to the Staff/Users list.
4. Select the staff who you want to be a proxy.
5. Click on Staff Details Click on the Proc/Prog/Loc/Proxy/Supervisor tab.
Proxy to write a services/notes/document.
6. To set someone as a proxy, you need to access the Staff Details of the user who will write
- Permission Function: When the proxy has “Proxy” permission. This means that they can write a service/note on behalf of another individual. For example, a medical scribe could act as a proxy for a prescriber and write the note. Instead of “Sign” , this button will change to “To Sign.” When the proxy, submits “to sign” they will giving up their authorship to the listed author (eg the prescriber name). The prescriber’s name will be listed as Note Author and if set up, also the Rendering Claim Author. CalMHSA is developing functionality to allow for the proxy’s name to be listed as an additional author.
7. This brings up a popup with any staff/users who are not currently set up to be proxied by this user. Select the staff/user(s) you want this user to be a proxy for and click OK. To select more than one staff/user at a time, use the shift and/or control keys. You should now see these staff/users in the Proxy Click save and close.
Proxy can read and respond to messages
8. Under “Proxy for Messages,” your sys admin can add any staff for whom the proxy can read and respond for Messages sent by Client and/or listed Staff.
- Permission Use: When the proxy has “Proxy for Messages,” the proxy can read and respond to any Messages that belong to the listed staff. For example, if a nurse is proxy for a prescriber, then the nurse will receive a notification when their prescriber has received a message, and can respond. The message will fall off of the prescribers’ widget as a new messages, and will be marked “Read.” If the proxy wants to ensure that the Prescriber knows about the thread of messages, we recommend that the proxy adds the prescriber’s name as a recipient.
Proxy can order medications in Rx
9. For the assigning Medication Rx proxy, the sys admin will need to go under the Prescriber’s name and Prescriber’s Staff/User Details to add the proxy under “Prescriber Proxy.”
- Permission Use: With the Prescriber Proxy, this allows the proxy to order medications in Medication Rx on behalf of prescriber and select the prescriber’s name that will be listed with Rx under “Prescribers.” The order will be sent to the selected prescriber’s widget for “Verbal Orders” to sign, but note that this is a LIVE order that has been transmitted to the pharmacy. The proxy’s name will be listed on the order as “Added By” but the prescriber’s name will be listed as “Prescribed by.” If the desire is to hold the order for the prescriber to review, then we recommend using the “Queue Order” button which will send to the Prescriber’s widget “Queued Orders,” In Client Orders and/or Quick Orders, there is no queue functionality, so all orders will be live.
- In additional the Prescriber Proxy and do Refill Request and see Outbound Prescriptions on behalf of their prescriber within Medication Management Rx.