How to Have a Client or Guardian Co-Sign a Document

  1. Navigate to the document you want to add a co-signer for. (See “How to View Your Documents” and/or “How to View Client Documents” for details on how to navigate to a document.)
  2. The document needs to be signed by the author in order to add co-signers. When you open the document, you should see the pdf viewer. Click on the Plus icon in the Document Ribbon to expand the Document Ribbon.
  1. Click on the radio button next to the client or guardian’s name to select them in the Signer section.
  1. Click Co-Sign.
  1. This brings up the Signature Page popup window. Select the method the client/guardian will be using to sign the document.
    1. Signature Pad – an external device that’s used to capture signatures
    2. Mouse/Touchpad – use the mouse or touchpad to capture a signature. The client/guardian will draw their signature in the box in the popup window. If the client/guardian needs to redo their signature, click the Clear button to erase the signature. Have them re-draw when ready.
    3. Client Signed Paper Document – use to document that the client/guardian signed a paper version of this document
    4. Verbally Agreed Over Phone – use to document that the client/guardian agreed to this document but did not sign a version of this document. Note that some legal documents require a signature and therefore should not use this option.
  1. Click Sign to capture the client/guardian’s signature.
  1. This will refresh the document and append the client/guardian’s signature as a new page at the end of the document. You can also see the date the client/guardian signed by looking in the Signed By section in the Document Ribbon.

Updated 3/18/24