How to Document Follow-up Done on an External Referral

  1. To document follow-up on a referral in SmartCare, you must first have the client open, then click the Search icon.
  2. Type Client Information into the search bar.
  3. Click to select Client Information (Client).select Client Information
  4. Navigate to the “External Referral” tab.
  5. Click on the Referral Follow-Up tab.
  6. Select the referral you want to follow up on from the List of Referrals.Select the referral you want
  7. If there’s any information already added to this referral, it brings up the information in the top part of the screen. From here, enter your follow up information.
  8. Click Modify to save your changes.
  9. If you selected the wrong referral, click clear.
  10. Once the client has successfully completed the referral process, enter “Complete” in the Referral Status.
  11. Once you’ve finished entering any follow ups, click Save. Once you’ve finished entering any follow ups, click Save Once you’ve finished entering any follow ups, click Save