How to Document a 1 Hour Face-to-Face Assessment for Seclusion or Restraints

The purpose of the 1 HR Face-to-Face Assessment for Seclusion or Restraints is to be used for units that need a more specific assessment form to capture the patient’s status. 

  1. Click the Search icon
  2. Type 1 HR into the search bar. 
  3. Click to select 1 HR Face-to-Face Assessment for Seclusion or Restraints (Client). 
  1. Checkbox the reason(s) for why the patient needed seclusion and/or restraints 
  1. Describe the patient’s current status/immediate situation, and their understanding of the situation. This is a mandatory field to fill out.
  2. Describe what interventions/strategies were used within the last hour, including less restrictive measures, and the client’s reaction. 
  3. Capture the medical and behavioral evaluation including any patient history, substance use, labs findings, environmental factors and other pertinent information. This is a mandatory field and must be completed. 
  1. Describe any concerns that might put this patient at risk due to restraints, involuntary medications and/or seclusion. This is a mandatory field and must be completed. 
  2. Record if the patient has been informed of the plan for seclusion and restraints and any criteria for release. This is a mandatory field to fill out
  3. Add any additional information and/or comments  
  4. Click Sign. 

The document will generate. For instructions on how to capture a co-signature, CLICK HERE.