EHR Weekly Bulletin

September 26, 2024

Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact [email protected]. 

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ICD-10 Codes for FY 2024-25 Now in Production 

As a result of CalMHSA’s collaboration with Streamline on the ICD-10 annual updates build, the new ICD-10 codes for FY 2024-25 have been loaded into counties’ production systems, including the Annual ICD10 Diagnosis Updates list page. Codes that will no longer be valid starting Oct. 1 remain searchable until then.  

County staff will also now be able to search for ICD-10 codes that are only valid beginning Oct. 1; however, creating any diagnosis document will still include a validation that will prohibit the clinician from signing if the ICD-10 code is not present for the effective date of the document. See the following scenarios as examples of searching for different codes:  

  • Scenario 1: A diagnosis document with an effective date of Sept. 25, 2024, will allow a user to search for and enter ICD-10 code F50.01. The user can sign this document because F50.01 is a valid code for Sept. 25.  
  • Scenario 2: A diagnosis document with an effective date of Sept. 25, 2024, will allow a user to search for and enter ICD-10 code F50.010. The user can NOT sign this document because F50.010 is NOT a valid code for Sept. 25. 
  • Scenario 3: A diagnosis document with an effective date of Oct. 1, 2024, will allow a user to search for and enter ICD-10 code F50.010. The user can sign this document because F50.010 is a valid code for Oct. 1.  
  • Scenario 4: A diagnosis document with an effective date of Oct. 1, 2024, will allow a user to search for and enter ICD-10 code F50.01. The user can NOT sign this document because F50.01 is NOT a valid code for Oct. 1. 

This allows users to update diagnosis documents in client lists as necessary by future-dating a diagnosis document for Oct. 1, 2024, using the updated code.  

Searchability for the codes that are no longer valid as of Oct. 1 will be disabled during the regularly scheduled production deployment window on Oct. 7. This change addresses county concerns about staff needing additional time to create their diagnosis documents.   

A new Knowledge Base article for clinical staff about these changes, called “ICD-10 Annual Updates: What You Need to Know,” is available on the Clinical Documentation page in the Diagnosis section.  

CalMHSA has also created a new list page — called the “CalMHSA Annual ICD10 Changes” — that helps counties find any records that will need to be updated for the Oct. 1 switch. This was deployed to all QA environments this morning (Sept. 26). The article “How to Determine Which Clients Have ICD-10 Records that Need to be Updated” will be updated by Sept. 27.  

Staff Transition 

Chief Informatics Officer John Fitzgerald will be leaving CalMHSA to pursue new opportunities. We are thankful for John’s contributions to the EHR team. John’s last day at CalMHSA will be Oct. 4.  


Attend Oct. 3 State Reporting Meeting for Updates on ASAM Guide Implementation 

CalMHSA continues to move forward with implementing the UCLA-created ASAM Criteria Assessment Interview Guide (see last week’s article). Please note that next week’s State Reporting Office Hours, Oct. 3 at noon, will be a county shared decision-making meeting on how best to proceed with this implementation — including a discussion of the steps CalMHSA is taking and gathering feedback from counties on rolling. out the new form 


Revised 2023-24 Procedure Rates for SMH Service Area 

Earlier this year, the Department of Health Care Services revised the durations for specific billing codes within the Specialty Mental Health service area for FY 2023-24. These updated durations have been implemented in the QA environments. The revised rates will be deployed to production on Sept. 30. Look for more details on addressing impacted claims next week.  

This Week’s Production Updates 

New functionality in the EHR – and what you need to know about it – is available here. 


Upcoming Initiatives 

See the EHR Product Team’s ambitious upcoming initiatives in this list, updated weekly as products and priorities evolve — and sortable by topics like medical, clinical billing and more. 

CalMHSA EHR Initiative Report 9-26-24

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