CalMHSA has created a list page where a user can view all records that have an ICD-10 code that will no longer be valid during a given fiscal year. This list page is CDAGâd, meaning that the user will only see records that are associated with a program that is within the CDAG theyâre logged in under. We have therefore permissioned this list page to most base user roles, including:
- County Affiliate Sys Admin
- Medical Records/Quality Assurance
- Billing
- Front Desk/Reception
- Contractor, Full Permissions
- LPHA/Clinician
- Non-LPHA
This list page searches all active problems on a clientâs problem list, meaning a problem that does not have an end date. This list page also searches for all of the most recent diagnosis documents for every program the client is open to, meaning in requested or enrolled status. This means that when a user updates one of these records by end-dating a problem or creating a new diagnosis document for a program, that record will be removed from the list page.
CalMHSA will work on making improvements to this list page in anticipation of next yearâs ICD-10 changes, such as including links directly to the record identified and adding the ability to create a flag or some sort of alert to notify the staff member that a change is required.
How to Use the âCalMHSA Annual ICD10 Changesâ List Page
- Navigate to the âCalMHSA Annual ICD10 Changesâ list page.
- Click on the Search icon.
- Type in âCalMHSA Annual ICD10 Changesâ in the search bar.
- Click to select âCalMHSA Annual ICD10 Changes (Administration)â from the search results.

- By default, the list page will query the most recent fiscal year. To confirm, select the Fiscal Year and click Apply Filter. You can also search for records within a date range. If a diagnosis document has more than one (1) ICD-10 code that will be deactivated, this will still show as a single record, as the diagnosis document will only need to be updated once. The Program column indicates what program the record is tied to, and the Assigned Staff column is the Program Assigned Staff, which CalMHSA recommends using to track required documents for a specific program.

Streamline has created a list page where a user can view all records that have an ICD-10 code that will no longer be valid during a given fiscal year. From this list page, the user can create client flags to help track that the required updates have been completed.
Some current limitations to this list page include:
For Client Clinical Problem records (problem list records), the record will show even if the problem has an end date prior to the fiscal year selected. Since this will be the method of updating problem list records, these will not fall off the list page, so Sys Admins cannot confirm whether changes were made based solely on this list page.
For Diagnosis Document records, the list page will show the most recent diagnosis document for the client, not per-program. Since a diagnosis document is created for each program, only the most recent diagnosis document will be queried, meaning some diagnosis documents that need to be updated will not show on this list page. When a diagnosis document is updated, this likely means the record will be removed from this list page, which should help Sys Admins track that changes were made.
This list page is behind CDAG. The only programs that the user will be able to select are those that are within their current CDAG and are associated with their user account.
Information about this list page is provided below. CalMHSA is also attempting to provide a more complete alternative solution. This page will be updated upon any development in this area.
How to Use the Streamline âAnnual ICD10 Diagnosis Updatesâ List Page
- Navigate to the Annual ICD10 Diagnosis Updates list page.
- On the QuickLinks menu, make sure âAllâ is selected.
- Scroll down to âAdministrationâ and hover to open.
- Find âAnnual ICD10 Diagnosis Updatesâ and click to open.

- Use the filters to limit your search results.
- Make sure FY2025 is selected (FY 2025 = Oct 1, 2024 â Sep 30, 2025)
- Select at least one program. You will only be able to select programs that are associated with your staff user account.
- Click Apply Filter to see your results.

- If desired, create flags to alert clinicians to the need to update the records.
- Select the records you want to create a flag for by clicking on the checkbox next to the record.
- Click on the Action dropdown.
- Click to select âCreate Client Flag.â

- This will cause a popup window to appear. Click OK to create the flags.

- Flags are now created for these client records. When opening this clientâs chart, a flag will pop-up. (See example screenshot below.)

Updated 9/30/24