October 3, 2024
Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact ehr@calmhsa.org.
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June and July MSPs in QA for Testing
Streamline’s June and July monthly service packs (MSPs) have been deployed to all QA environments. The full, unfiltered release notes can be found at https://2023.calmhsa.org/release-notes/. CalMHSA will be testing all items that impact our systems, but counties may also test as they like. Following are some items counties may be particularly interested in:
June MSP:
#84 – Adds a program filter to the My Documents list page.
#139 – A configuration key that allows you to turn off SNOMED codes in the diagnosis document, so that the search and PDF will only show ICD-10 codes. Alternatively, you can also set a preference for whether you want to default your search to ICD-10 codes or SNOMED, if you prefer to leave SNOMED on.
#141 – A fix for an item in the May MSP (#141). This is a new tab in the Client Information screen for External Identifications, such as historical client IDs or client IDs from other systems. Please keep in mind that anything entered on the Client Information screen is NOT behind CDAG, but we are aware that counties have a use for this feature.
#46 – New document “Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool”
#47 – New document “CSSRS Risk Assessment Lifeline Crisis Center”
#51 – New document “Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire – EDE QS”
#57 – New document “Obsessional Compulsive Inventory-Revised”
#58 – New documents “Fall Risk” and “Fall Risk Daily Assessment”
#64 – New flow sheet element “BMI percentile (child and teen)”
#54 – New section added to ROI by Streamline, “Preferred Method of Delivery”
July MSP:
#43, 71, 77, 98, 120, 129 – Adds a “contains SUD information” checkbox to different places in the system. Some setup is required. It seems this is done to flag for HIEs when 42 CFR information is present.
#76 – New fields added to the Inquiry Details screen, including client’s preferred name.
#92 & #124 – Services can now be color-coded by procedure code. Note: Currently, this is part of the sync, so counties will not be able to make these changes in production unless we remove this from the sync. There is also an option for CalMHSA to set the colors at the CalMHSA production level and have these push to all county systems; CalMHSA is open to color suggestions. If counties feel they need to be able to set these colors outside of CalMHSA’s standardization, please share with us the use case, and we can explore removing this field from the sync. Because counties’ QA does not sync with CalMHSA QA, it is possible for to test this functionality in QA before providing feedback.
#127 & #140 – Adds the ability to associate certain documents with services to create a “to do” list of sorts for when a specific service (procedure code) is provided. Note: Procedure codes are part of the sync, so counties will not be able to make these changes in production. However, since QA does not sync, the functionality can be tested in QA and feedback provided to CalMHSA about potential use cases.
#154 – Adds a program field to Calendar Events so counties can better track which program non-client time is associated with it.
Update on 2023-24 Procedure Rates for SMH Service Area
Earlier this year, the Department of Health Care Services revised the durations for specific billing codes within the Specialty Mental Health (SMH) service area for the 2023-24 fiscal year. The updated durations have been implemented in production environments as of Sept. 30. A report has been distributed to each county, detailing charges potentially impacted by this change and providing recommendations on how to address the affected charges.
VIP Client Sequestering Ready for Testing
CalMHSA had requested a front-end method of sequestering a client from all staff users, with a few exceptions. Currently, this can easily be done only through the backend via table-insert script. The first iteration of this development is a part of the June MSP, though it was not included in the release notes. CalMHSA has discussed this inaccuracy with Streamline, which is working to improve their release note processes to address this type of omission. CalMHSA has begun testing this functionality and will work on creating related Knowledge Base articles. In the meantime, because we realize this is a significant need for counties, some information on how this functionality should work is available here for counties that want to also begin testing.
Arrival Date Added for Mobile Crisis Encounters
CalMHSA has added an “Arrival Date” in the note used for Mobile Crisis Encounters, called “Mobile Crisis Progress Note.” This was done in response to counties reporting some difficulty in calculating the time from dispatch to arrival when this spanned midnight. For example, if dispatch was done at 11:50 p.m. on Sept. 25 and arrival was 12:30 a.m. on Sept. 26, the team arrived 40 minutes after being dispatched. By adding an arrival date field, users can enter the actual date of arrival, rather than assuming it is the same date as the dispatch (service start date). The arrival date will automatically populate based on the service start date for ease of use. The field only needs to be changed when applicable. Please see the release notes for more information.
Also, CalMHSA is still waiting for guidance from DHCS about the mobile crisis reporting requirements. Once received, CalMHSA will create a SmartCare report to meet these requirements.
Accommodations for AB 352 Begin Oct. 11
CalMHSA will add the following three global codes to be available in Special Populations, which will enable counties to be compliant with AB 352. These will become active on Oct. 11:
- Do not disclose out of state – Client discussed ending a pregnancy (abortion)
- Do not disclose out of state – Contraception
- Do not disclose out of state – Gender affirming care
These changes were discussed during the county decision-making meeting held on Oct. 2. That recording is available if you missed it (please email ehr@calmhsa.org for assistance accessing the recording if needed). Follow-up documentation will be available on the website soon.
CalMHSA Connex Maintenance on Oct. 6
All Connex users were sent an email notification describing upcoming enhancements to the Connex site, with a maintenance window on Oct. 6 from 7-11 a.m. (PT). Please reference the email sent by Connex@calmhsa.org for more details and reach out with any questions.
This Week’s Production Updates
New functionality in the EHR – and what you need to know about it – is available here.
Upcoming Initiatives
See the EHR Product Team’s ambitious upcoming initiatives in this list, updated weekly as products and priorities evolve — and sortable by topics like medical, clinical billing and more.