Common Charge Errors

  1. Timely Filing Limit – Delay Reason Code Required
    1. To correct, obtain Delay Reason Code, and add it via the Select Action menu, or in the Charge Details screen.
    1. Add the Delay Reason Code Control Identifier Number via the Charges/Claims screen and the Select Action menu or the Charge Details screen
  1. Authorization is required
    1. To correct, navigate to the Authorizations (Client) screen and create or update the authorization
  2. Plan will not pay for this procedure
    1. To correct, follow defined internal workflows (write-off charge, correct service, transfer charge to the next payer, etc.)
  3. Non Billable Location
    1. To correct, follow defined internal workflows (write-off charge, correct service, etc.)

Overriding a Charge Error

There are times when a charge error will need to be overrode, rather than resolved. This should only be done per internal workflow instruction.

  1. In the Charges/Claims screen select the charge to be overrode by checking the checkbox next to the charge ID
  2. Manually mark the charge as Ready to Bill via either the Select Action dropdown or in the Charge Details screen
  3. A Confirmation Message will pop-up, select Yes