Certified Peer Specialist (Peer)

DMC State Plan DMC-ODS MH Procedure Name Displayed in EHR Procedure Definition (Developed by CalMHSA)
N Y N Contingency Management This procedure must be used to submit claims for Contingency Management Services. 15 minutes
Y Y Y Behavioral Health Prevention Education service Skill building groups conducted by a Certified Peer Support Specialist.
Y Y Y Self-help/peer service Engagement; therapeutic activity (Utilized by Certified Peer Specialists only). Per 15 minutes
N N Y Psychiatric Inpatient Day - Adult Utilized to document general inpatient psychiatric services provided to individuals 21 through 64.
N N Y Psychiatric Inpatient Day - Youth Utilized to document general inpatient psychiatric services provided to individuals under 21 years of age.
Y Y N Methadone - Day Service Methadone administration and/or service (provision of the drug by a licensed program)
N N Y Psychiatric Inpatient Day - Older Adult Utilized to document general inpatient psychiatric services provided to individuals age 65 and older.
N N Y General Inpatient - Admin Day Documentation of administrative days during a general inpatient hospitalization.
N N Y Psychiatric Hospital Inpatient Admin Day Documentation of administrative days during a psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
N N Y Psychiatric Health Facility Day Inclusive of services provided within a psychiatric health facility (PHF)
N N Y Therapeutic Foster Care Short-term, intensive, highly coordinated, trauma informed and individualized SMHS activities (plan development, rehabilitation and collateral) to children and youth up to age 21 who have complex emotional and behavioral needs and who are placed with trained, intensely supervised and supported TFC parents. The TFC parent serves as a key participant in the therapeutic treatment process of the child or youth. TFC is intended for children and youth who require intensive and frequent mental health support in a family environment. The TFC service model allows for the provision of certain SMHS activities (plan development, rehabilitation and collateral) available under the EPSDT benefit as a home-based alternative to high level care in institutional settings such as group homes and an alternative to Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs
Y N Y Crisis Residential Day - Older Adult Children�s-Adult Crisis Residential: Geriatric services.
Y N Y Crisis Residential Day - Adult Children�s-Adult Crisis Residential: Non-Geriatric services.
N N Y Crisis Residential Day - Youth Children�s-Adult Crisis Residential services.
N N Y Adult Residential Day - Older Adult Adult Residential: Geriatric services.
N N Y Adult Residential Day Adult Residential: Non-Geriatric services.
N N Y Crisis Stabilization - Emergency Room Services Crisis Stabilization: Emergency Room services.
N N Y Crisis Stabilization Unit Crisis Stabilization: Urgent Care services.
N N Y Day Treatment Intensive - Half Day Half Day of Day Treatment Intensive services.
N N Y Day Treatment Intensive - Full Day Full Day of Day Treatment Intensive services.
N N Y Day Rehabilitation - Half Day Half Day of Day Rehabilitation services.
N N Y Day Rehabilitation - Full Day Full Day of Day Rehabilitation services.
Y Y N Residential Treatment -Substance Use H0012: Alcohol and/or drug services: (residential addiction program outpatient). Subacute detoxification (DMC-ODS ONLY) H0019: Behavioral Health; Long Term Residential (non-medical, non-acute care in a residential treatment program where stay is typically longer than 30 days) without room and board (Both DMC and DMC-ODS)
- - - General Outreach An outreach activity not tied to a specific client. For example: running a mental health/behavioral health booth at a local fair. This would be used in conjunction with an Organizational Client.
- - - Targeted Outreach An outreach activity tied to a specific client. For example: law enforcement has a list of high-risk individuals that county MH is reaching out to in order to get them into treatment.
- - - Quality Improvement Activities Any type of Quality Improvement and/or administrative time, such as chart review, attending a QI-related meetings, etc.
- - - Consults to External Providers (Non-billable) Documents consults with physical health care providers, primary care providers or other relevant healthcare providers.
- - - Transportation Documents services that are strictly transportation-related. If a billable service was provided during the transport, the appropriate billable procedure code should be selected.
- - - Client Non Billable Srvc Must Document Any other non-billable service that must be documented and is not better accounted for by other available non-billable procedure codes.
- - - Prev Prob Identification-AOD Used to track SABG funded primary prevention activities using this strategy
- - - Prev Education-AOD Used to track SABG funded primary prevention activities using this strategy
- - - Prev Community Based-AOD Used to track SABG funded primary prevention activities using this strategy
- - - Prev Info Dissemination-AOD Used to track SABG funded primary prevention activities using this strategy
- - - Prev Environ Strategy-AOD Used to track SABG funded primary prevention activities using this strategy
- - - Prev-Alternatives-AOD Used to track SABG funded primary prevention activities using this strategy
- - - Quality Assurance-AOD Used to track SABG funded quality assurance activities
Y Y Y Transportation Mileage Mobile Crisis Add On - Used when transporting a client to a treatment facility; measures mileage
Y Y Y Transportation, Staff Time Mobile Crisis Add On - Used when transporting a client to a treatment facility OR when accompanying a client being transported by law enforcement, ambulance, or other valid transportation method; measures time spent during the transportation
- - - Inpatient Psychiatric Procedure Used to document a non-billable psychiatric procedure done in an inpatient unit
- - - Shift Summary Used to document a Shift Summary note when a client is in an inpatient or residential facility. This is a non-billable service, as the services will be bundled for these facilities.
- - - Non-Billable Bed Procedure Used to track non-billable bed days or bed procedures not otherwise captured elsewhere for facilities that do bed management (IP/CSU/Res)
- - - Brief Contact Note Used to document a brief, non-treatment services contact with the client, such as confirming an appointment.
N Y N Ambulatory Withdrawal Management Alcohol and/or drug services; ambulatory detoxification.
- - - Residential Daily Note Used to document your daily summary note for residential services.
- - - Non-Billable Attempted Contact To be utilized when documenting attempts to contact a client but have been unsuccessful in reaching them.
N Y N Residential Withdrawal Management SUD Residential Withdrawal Management day service
N Y N Partial Hospitalization-Substance Use S0201: Partial Hospitalization Services; less than 24 hours, per diem (DMC-ODS ONLY).
- - - Attestation Note Used for attendings if they want to add any additional context to the original note by residents/NP. We recommend attaching this note to the original note written by the resident/NP.
- - - Legal Report Writing Note Used when writing reports or documentation for court or legal procedings, including LPS Conservatorship assessments, JV220s, or other court-related documents. This is also used for other reports, such as making CPS or APS reports, entering state reporting items, or writing grant-required reports for a specific client.
- - - CARE Act - Notice Activity Used when a staff member is drafting noticies for CARE Act processes, including all hearing and appearance notices, CARE Agreement notices, etc.
- - - CARE Act - Outreach and Engagement Used for documenting all outreach and engagement activities required to engage the respondent. Also used when developing a CARE Agreement with the respondent.
- - - CARE Act - Court Report Activity Used when a staff member is drafting needed reports for CARE Act processes, including CARE Agreement, Clinical Evaluation, CARE Plan, etc.
- - - CARE Act - Hearing Time Used to document activities that occur and time spent during CARE Act hearings.
Y Y Y Mobile Crisis Encounter Used when the Mobile Crisis Team is dispatched to a site to address a person's crisis. This is a bundled service and will bill a flat rate regardless of time indicated. It is recommended that staff continue to track the time spent on each encounter.
Y Y Y Mobile Crisis Dispatch Screening Used to document the screening provided to determine if the Mobile Crisis Team is dispatched to a location or not.
Y Y Y Mobile Crisis Follow-Up Used to document required follow-ups for Mobile Crisis Encounter.
- - - CARE Act - Data Reporting Used for data reporting activities related to the CARE Act
N N Y PEI Outreach Used to track MHSA PEI outreach activities. This will often use a pseudo-client, as many are not targeted to a specific client, but rather community-held outreach events.
- - - Room and Board Used to track Room and Board services. These aren't billable to Medi-Cal but may need to be tracked for other reimbursement or tracking purposes.
- - - Bed Hold Day Non-billable code to use when you're holding a bed for a specific client, but they're currently not occupying that bed.

Updated 4/9/24