SmartCare Sequester Request

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If you need to sequester clients from some or all staff in SmartCare please follow the steps below Fill out the Sequester Client Request spreadsheet: Download here You will see […]

CalMHSA 274 PDSRF Counter Tool 

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CalMHSA has created a tool to read the .dat files submitted to DCHS for 274 MH and DMC-ODS.   For each MH 274 monthly .datsubmission file successfully submitted to DCHS PACES […]

How to Setup Mobile Crisis Procedure Rates

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Current “Crisis Intervention/Mobile Crisis” Procedure Code On 1/1/24, CalMHSA will be changing the name of the procedure code “Crisis Intervention/Mobile Crisis” to simply “Crisis Intervention”. This will allow users to […]

Users Conference Nov 2023 Handouts

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This page has all the handouts from the Users Conference from November 2023.  Day 1 State of the State HelpDesk Overview The Future Vision of the EHR Using AI to […]

CalMHSA Program Charge Errors Report

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Report Description This report is designed to display specific diagnosis errors for services that are in Show or Complete status based on the following criteria: Has the error “Billing diagnosis […]

Staff Multiple Service Detail Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Name Menu Path Client Based Report RDL Name Staff Multiple Service Detail Report Reports/Staff Multipole Service Detail Report (My Office) N RDLCALMHSAStaffServiceDetailv2 Parameters Data Type Hidden Comments Service From […]

CalMHSA CSIs Completed Report

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Report Description This report is designed to display the percentage of clients who have had a program enrollment within a user entered date range and program selection for any programs […]