KeyPhrases Instructions for Sys Admin

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Key Phrase functionality allows for users and county (aka “Agency”) users to create pre-set templated text/phrases.   This is a shortcut for commonly used text/phrases and dropping it into a textbox. This functionality […]

Document Not Attaching to Program

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CalMHSA has identified an issue when attempting to create a new document while in the middle of editing/creating another document, users would get the “CDAG Program Enrollment” popup to select […]

How to Turn on Zip Code Verification

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Zip Code Verification is a feature that can be turned on in SmartCare. This tool is helpful for identifying errors in client address data and catching errors in mistyping, missing […]

2 Factor Authentication

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2 Factor Authentication is configured in two spots: Configuration Keys Staff Details  Note: 2FA is enabled by Environment (QA, PROD), not by User – ensure ALL Staff have email/text entered […]

How to Set-Up an ECM

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Step One (Optional): Create/Designate a Program as an ECM Program Click the Search icon. Type Programs in the search bar. Click to select Programs (Administration). Click the New icon or […]

Datapalooza – Program Data Meta-Tagging

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NEW: Download the updated Conversion Document and the corresponding Global Code ReadMe. The function of the program meta-tagging screen is to help us define attributes of each program. This definition […]

How to Review Reported Errors

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CalMHSA has created a method for end users to request corrections for errors they cannot fix by themselves. This allows for better tracking of errors and subsequent corrective actions. The […]

Error Correction: Addressing Service Note Errors

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For Services That Have a Signed Note and Have Been Marked Complete Click the Search icon. Type “Services” in the search bar. Select “Services (My Office)” from the search results. […]