What happens if I work in both SUD and MH programs?

If you work in multiple programs, your system administrator will assign you multiple CDAGs. In this case, when you log in you’ll select which CDAG you’re logging in under. This […]
What if the client wants me to be able to talk to other programs/people/agencies?

Best practices mean coordinating care with all of a client’s providers, as well as other agencies and persons the client is working with. However, due to privacy rules, there are […]
What happens when a client signs the Coordinated Care Consent?

By default, SmartCare enforces privacy regulations, including HIPAA and 42 CFR. This means that people working in mental health programs are not able to see any of the client’s treatment […]
What happens when a client revokes their Coordinated Care Consent?

When a client has signed a Coordinated Care Consent, all SmartCare users can see all of the client’s information. Basically, the CDAG rules drop, allowing users to view information regardless […]
Will I be alerted if a client revokes a consent?

You will not be alerted if a client revokes a Coordinated Care Consent, as that would defeat the purpose of keeping information separate. However, you will no longer be able […]