CalMHSA Client Face Sheet

Report NameMenu PathClient BasedReport RDL Name
Client Face SheetReports/Client Face SheetYesRDLCALMHSAClientFaceSheetv3
ParametersData TypeHiddenComments
Client IdIntegerYUser must select client prior to accessing report
Clinical Data Access GroupIdIntegerYPassed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
Executed By StaffidIntegerYPassed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
ProgramsMultiple SelectNProgram multiple select based on logged in user CDAG and staff programs
DataSetsForm(s)CDAG EnforcedComments
DataSet1Client InformationN/AClient Demographic Information
GetCountyLogoN/AN/ACounty logo image for display on page header
DataSet2Client AllergiesN/AActive client allergies
DataSet3Client InformationN/AClient Addresses
PhonesClient InformationN/AClient phone numbers that are NOT designated as Do Not Call or Do Not Leave Message
ClientCoverageCoverageN/AFirst client coverage information where the payer type = 10086 (Medi-Cal) ordered by client coverage history record identifier
MedicationsClient MedicationsN/AClient medication records that have NOT been discontinued
ClientCINCoverageN/AClient InsuredId field (CIN number) for payer type = 10086 (Medi-Cal) to display in page header
Other CoverageCoverageN/AAll active client coverage information where the payer type is NOT 10086 (Medi-Cal) ordered by client coverage history record identifier
DiagnosisDiagnosis DocumentYAll primary diagnosis records for user selected client and program(s) where the diagnosis document has been signed
DataSet5Client ProgramsYAll client program enrollment and/or discharge information for user selected client and program(s)
Default User Roles
County Affiliate SysAdmin LPHA/Clinician Clinician Supervisor Inpatient/Residential Prescriber Health Maintenance Alert Medical/RN Reception and Front Desk Medical Records/Quality Assurance Non-LPHA Billing Supervisor Billing Medical Supervisor CalMHSA SysAdmin LVN/Minimal Medical Auditor/Read-Only Mental Health Clinical Organizational Provider SUD Organizational Provider MH Organizational Provider