Allergies (Client) List Page

The following list page will show all client allergies. This data pulls in from the Client Allergies (Client) screen and Medication (my office) / RX / Surescripts portal. Any clinician that needs the ability to see all Allergies (active and inactive) can access this list page.

  1. Click on the Search icon, with the client open.
  2. Type “Allergies (Client)” in the search bar.
  3. Select “Allergies (Client)” from the search results.
  1. This will bring up the Allergies (Client) list page.


    1. Active
      • All: This will show you ALL allergies entered from either the Client Allergies (Client) screen or the RX portal. The all filter will show you active and inactive allergies. You can use this filter for a thorough history of client allergies.
      • Yes: This filter option will only show you ACTIVE allergies
      • No: This filter options will only show you INACTIVE allergies
    2. All Types: Selecting this filter from the drop-down menu will include all 3 of the following types of Allergies: Allergy, Intolerance, Failed Trial, this data is selected when entering in a client’s allergy on the Client Allergies (Client) screen or the RX portal
    3. Click Apply Filter once your selections are made. 


    1. Allergies: This is the title of the allergy that was entered into SmartCare from either the Client Allergies (Client) screen or the RX portal. This is the item that is causing the client to have a reaction.
    2. Type: This data will note if the Allergy is an Allery, Intolerance or Failed Trial
    3. SNOMED Code: This data will note what SNOMED Code was marked when staff entered this Allergy. This information consists of what type of reaction the client may have due to this allergy.
    4. Active: This data will note If the client actively still has this allergy or if they no longer have this Allergy.
    5. Added/Modified by: Who last edited this item. This could be the person that added that Allergy or if it’s since been adjusted since creating this allergy item, it will say the name of the staff that adjusted it instead.
    6. Comments: Any comments that were entered regarding this allergy that staff believe are important to note. This information is entered into SmartCare from the Client Allergies (Client) screen under the comments section.

Upper Right Icons

    1. SmartView: This icon is an overview of the patient’s medical profile. You can quickly view the patients’ vitals, medications, documents that need to be done, and much more.
    2. New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
    3. Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
    4. Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.