Client Flags (Client) List Page

The Client Flags (My Office) list page offers a lot of valuable information. This list page will give you the ability to manage client flags via various filtering options.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type “Client Flags (My Office)” in the search bar.
  3. Select “Client Flags (My Office)” from the search results.
  1. This will bring up the Client Flags (My Office) list page.

For more information about how to create a client flags, please visit here:


Use the filters/search functions as needed.

    1. Assigned to Staff: This searchable field gives you the ability to search client flags by staff who are assigned to the program.
    2. Assigned to Role: This searchable field gives you the ability to search by roles like “Primary Clinician”, “ Teacher”, etc.
    3. Status of Flag: This filter will give you the ability to filter by pre set due dates
    4. As of Date: 
    5. Client: This searchable field gives you the ability to search client flags by client
    6. Flag Type: You are able to filter by flag type here such as “Child turns 18 on” or “ Do Not Call”
    7. Work Group: This will give you the able to filter by work groups
    8. Protocol: This filter will give you the ability to filter by protocols such as “SUD Outpatient Adult”, etc.
    9. Programs: This searchable field will give you the ability to search by Program
    10. Status of Flag: You can filter by any active or inactive flags
    11. Click Apply Filter once the appropriate options are selected.  


The following columns are available in this List Page:

    1. Client ID: This hyperlink will take you to the Client Information (Admin) screen
    2. Client Name: This displays the client name. 
    3. Flag: This hyperlink will take you to the Client Flag Details screen. 
    4. Assigned Staff: If this flag was assigned to specific staff, you will see the staff name here. 
    5. Open Date: This will show the date the flag was opened. 
    6. Display Date: This will show the date that the flag will display. This is different from the open date. 
    7. Due Date: This will show the date the flag is due, if it was set. 
    8. Link to: This hyperlink will take you to the screen that needs to be completed. 

Exported Fields

Exportable fields are as follows:

    1. ClientID
    2. Client Name (Last, First)
    3. Flag
    4. Assigned Staff
    5. Display Date
    6. Due Date
    7. Note Field
    8. Work Group

Upper Right-Hand Icons

    1. New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
    2. Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
    3. Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.
    4. New Icon: Use this icon to create a new flag for a client. 
    5. Customize Column: This will allow to customize the columns that display below.Â