Updates to the Invoice Generator for the 24-25 Fiscal Year 

The SMH, DMC-ODS, and DMC State Invoice Generators have been updated to allow invoicing for the 23/24 and 24/25 Fiscal Year. 

The existing Outpatient Hourly Rates, Outpatient Rates, Other Rates, and NTP Rates (applicable to DMC-ODS and DMC State only) now have ‘2324’ appended to the tab name

Additional tabs have been added to allow counties to set rates for Degree groups for the 24/25 FY: 

The Date of Service associated with the Service will be used to determine which fiscal year’s rates should be used. 

In the screenshot below: 

  1.  Demonstrates how the rates and billing codes will generate for Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation for the 23/24 FY using the rate amounts entered on the Outpatient Hourly Rates 2324 tab.

    For the 23/24 FY this procedure generates a billing code of 90791 with a G2212 add-on code based on the duration associated with the service. 

  2. Demonstrates how the rates and billing codes will generate for Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation for the 24/25 FY using the rate amounts entered on the Outpatient Hourly Rates 2425 tab.

    For the 24/25 FY this procedure generates a T2024 for the same duration. This is due to the discontinuation of the G2212 add on code and additional changes made by DHCS to the service table for the new FY. 

For both dates of service, the total amount owed to the clinician would remain the same assuming the hourly rate amount was not changed for the degree group from one FY to another however the billing codes reflect differently: