Tips and Tricks for CalMHSA Rx Users

For Prescribers

  1. Always ensure that you complete information such as Client Demographics, Height, Weight, and Problems/Diagnoses Codes in SmartCare.
  2. Client details including Pregnancy, Breastfeeding can be completed in CalMHSA Rx.
  3. Allergies – Always enter complete details in CalMHSA Rx. If the client is receiving services in an IP/CSU/Residential program that will have medications ordered via Client orders in SmartCare, be sure to enter allergy (and medications) information in both SmartCare and CalMHSA Rx.
  4. You can use the Copy/Paste Function to carry your medication lists from CalMHSA Rx and Add them to SmartCare Notes or textbox.
  5. While prescribing, text entered in ‘Additional directions To Patient’ is not carried over from CalMHSA Rx to SmartCare.
  6. When there is system down time, paper prescriptions will need to be added manually.
  7. Non-EPCS Prescribers: Your Non-controlled IDP invite will skip the steps to add a token and passphrase, and you can continue at confirming the verification code. 

For EPCS Onboarding Specific to Providers, not a Practice


  1. Always update Experian credit profile with accurate demographic data before beginning identity proofing. ​
  2. After identity proofing, you can access the prescriber dashboard functionalities of token management, passphrase reset, and testing passphrase and token for accuracy. ​
  3. Always ensure the format of the token serial number and credential ID are correct. 

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