For Prescribers
- Always ensure that you complete information such as Client Demographics, Height, Weight, and Problems/Diagnoses Codes in SmartCare.
- Client details including Pregnancy, Breastfeeding can be completed in CalMHSA Rx.
- Allergies – Always enter complete details in CalMHSA Rx. If the client is receiving services in an IP/CSU/Residential program that will have medications ordered via Client orders in SmartCare, be sure to enter allergy (and medications) information in both SmartCare and CalMHSA Rx.
- You can use the Copy/Paste Function to carry your medication lists from CalMHSA Rx and Add them to SmartCare Notes or textbox.
- While prescribing, text entered in ‘Additional directions To Patient’ is not carried over from CalMHSA Rx to SmartCare.
- When there is system down time, paper prescriptions will need to be added manually.
- Non-EPCS Prescribers: Your Non-controlled IDP invite will skip the steps to add a token and passphrase, and you can continue at confirming the verification code.
For EPCS Onboarding Specific to Providers, not a Practice
- Always update Experian credit profile with accurate demographic data before beginning identity proofing.
- After identity proofing, you can access the prescriber dashboard functionalities of token management, passphrase reset, and testing passphrase and token for accuracy.
- Always ensure the format of the token serial number and credential ID are correct.
This icon is extremely helpful to ‘Create New Rx’. | |
This icon represents favorites. Providers can choose to add/manage/delete favorites from this star. | |
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Toggle for options clicking on Mortar & Pestle Icon | |
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Prior Authorizations | |
Toggle for Options in Patient Support Tab | |
Remember to check and correct your location (=program) | |
Options in Patient Support (Diagnoses, Medications, Labs, Search |