TEDS Tracking List (Client) List Page

The TEDS Tracking List is a versatile page displaying information about TEDS episodes for CalOMS and CSI. This page is client-specific, so you must select a client before you can review the TEDS Tracking List.

  1. Click on the Search icon with the client open.
  2. Type TEDS Tracking List in the search bar.
  3. Select TEDS Tracking List from the search results.

This will open the TEDS Tracking List (client) List Page. 


The following filter are available on this list page: 

    1. Episode Types: The Episode Types displayed here are all the episodes that can be captured on a CalOMS and CSI assessment.
    2. Episode Status: The Episode Status will either be In Progress or Completed
    3. Service Type: The Service Type will be CalOMS or CSI
    4. Episode Start Date to End Date: Enter a custom date range here. 
    5. Click Apply Filter once the appropriate options are selected. 


  1. Episode ID: 
  2. Episode Type: 
  3. Enrolled Date: 
  4. Discharge Date: 
  5. Last Document: 
  6. Document Date: 
  7. Service Type: 
  8. Service Start :
  9. Service End: