Streamline Service Status Percentages with Service Detail Report


A report from Streamline that allows users to view all services done in date range. The report also shows a breakdown of service status (No Show, Cancelled, Show, and Complete). 

There are three sections in the Report. They are as follows:

  • Filter Section
  • Service – Shows Service’s Status Counts and Percentages
  • Service Details – Display all services that meets the criteria set by the filter section

Below are the input fields available in the Filter Section.

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Program – Display the Programs that are associated with the logged-in Staff.
  • Service Clinician ID – Display all Staff Names
  • Coverage Plan – Displays all the Coverage Plans

Below are the columns shown in the Service Section (Status Counts and Percentages).

  • Total Service Count – Displays the total number of Services based on the filtered criteria.
  • Total No Show Count – Displays the total number of Services with No Show status.
  • No Show % – Displays the percentage of No Show Services. Calculation is as follows: (Total Number of No Show Count / Total Service Count) *100
  • Total Show Count – Displays the total number of Services with Show status.
  • Show % – Displays the percentage of Show Services. Calculation is as follows: (Total Number of Show Count / Total Service Count) *100
  • Total Complete Count – Displays the total number of Services with Complete status.
  • Complete % – Displays the percentage of Complete Services. Calculation is as follows: (Total Number of Complete Count / Total Service Count) *100
  • Total Cancel Count – Displays the total number of Services with Cancel status.
  • Cancel % – Displays the percentage of Cancel Services. Calculation is as follows: (Total Number of Cancel Count / Total Service Count) *100

Below are the columns shown in the Service Details section,

  • Client ID – Displays the Client ID
  • Client Name – Displays the Client Name
  • Primary Clinician – Displays the Primary Clinician’s name. If the Primary Clinician is not selected in the client’s account, the field will display the Staff Assigned to the Client’s Program. (To Note – There is a blank option in Staff Assigned so there will be some rows that are blank due to this option) CalMHSA does not use the Primary Clinician field.
  • Date of Service – Displays the Date of Service
  • Service Clinician – Displays the Service’s Clinician
  • Service Status – Displays the Status of the Service
  • Program – Displays the Service Program
  • Coverage Plan – Displays the Coverage Plan with COB order 1

Things to note with the report shown above.

  • The report will also pull services that have its status set to Error or Scheduled. It includes these services in its Total Service count, properly calculating the percentage of the other statuses with them and shows the service’s detail as well.
  • The percentages the report shows round up to the tenth decimal point.
  • The Report also includes group services as well, it just doesn’t indicate which services are groups and which ones are.
  • The services in the Service Detail are not sorted in any which way; Streamline confirms this. They just appear in the same order as the SQL query pulls them in.

Roles granted access to this Report:

  • CalMHSA Sys Admin
  • County Affiliate Sys Admin
  • Billing
  • Medical Records/Quality Assurance

Updated 5/2/24