SmartCare Sequester Request

If you need to sequester clients from some or all staff in SmartCare please follow the steps below

  1. Fill out the Sequester Client Request spreadsheet: Download here
  2. You will see three columns to fill out on the sheet
    1. Client ID
    2. Staff ID Allowed
    3. Legacy Staff ID? (Y/N)
  3. The Client ID can be found by searching for the client and noting the number in the parenthesis
  4. The Staff ID can be found by
    1. Navigating to staff/users
    2. Searching for the staff
    3. Hovering over the ‘I’ in the upper right corner
  1. Legacy Staff ID should only be ‘Y’ if you have a non-SmartCare Staff ID.
  2. Once you’ve filled out and saved the spreadsheet, upload it to the CalMHSA Member Portal and create a Helix Ticket requesting the sequester and indicating that the spreadsheet has been uploaded to the CalMHSA Member Portal.
  3. If you do not have access to the CalMHSA Member Portal, you can upload the spreadsheet to the Helix ticket or request a secure link to upload after you have submitted the Helix ticket