Signature Pane Actions

How to Sign a Document

  1. In the document header, select the Sign button.                                                
    1. Selecting the sign will automatically save the document and check for validations.
    2. If validations are not met, you will see a pop-up window indicating what needs to be completed before signing.
  2. The document will now change to Signed status.                                                                                                                                     
    1. There are some exceptions based on workflow. For example, if you’re in a document as a proxy that status will change to To-Sign or if you need a reviewer the status will be To Be Reviewed.

How to Add a Co-Signer

  1. To add a co-signer the document can be in any status except New.
    1. However, a co-signer cannot sign until the document status is Signed.
  2. Click the plus symbol to expand the document header.                            
  3. Select a co-signer from the ‘Add Signer(s)’ dropdown.
    1. The selected username will appear in the window to the right.
    2. User can see what they need to co-sign through their Dashboard (Documents or Assigned Documents widget).
  4. You can also add individuals that are not users in SmartCare as a co-signer.
    1. The client’s name in the Add Signer(s) dropdown. Select the client and they will be added as a co-signer.
    2. Non-clients and non-users can be added by selecting Other Signer(s).         
      • Once selected you will see a pop-up window. Enter the name of the individual, select the relationship, and click the OK button.               
    3. Based on the set up of the document, the client, guardian or healthcare decision maker will automatically be added as a co-signer
  5. To remove a co-signer click the X next to the name.


How to Co-Sign a Document

  1. Note: A document can only be co-signed when it is in Signed status.
  2. Click the plus symbol to expand the document header.
    1. Screenshot displays the minus icon, which is what shows once it is expended.
  3. Select the co-signer radio button from the co-signer list.
  4. Click the Co-Sign button.
  5. When a client or other non-users co-sign a Signature window will appear.
    1. Sign using your preferred method.
    2. Select the Sign button.                       
  6. All signers (author of document and co-signers) will appear in the Signed By window.
  7. Co-signers signatures (users and non-users) will appear in the Signature Page of the PDF.

Prescriber: How to Batch Sign Documents

Batch Signature is a SmartCare feature that allows users to sign multiple documents at once. This is typically used by prescribers due to amount  of documents they have to co-sign.

Note: Some documents may not be present if the document has been set up to not display in Batch Signature.

  1. Click the Search icon.
  2. Type “Batch Signature” into the search bar.
  3. Click to select Batch Signature (My Office). The Batch Signature page will display.
  4. Set filters to display desired documents. You can filter for documents you have permission to sign, to co-sign, to acknowledge, or by documents in progress or to be reviewed. You can also filter to include only Errors or only documents Approved for Signature. Click Apply Filters.
    1. You can review displayed documents before signing them. Document information is displayed in the fields above the display window. Use the blue arrows to page between documents.
  5. Next to each document you wish to sign, click the checkbox to select it.
  6. Click the Sign Approved Documents button. A processing message will appear. When signatures are complete, a success message will display.