Report Name | Menu Path | Client Based | Report RDL Name |
Report Name | Menu Path | Report RDL Name | RDLCALMHSASericeReportExcelFormat |
Parameters | Data Type | Hidden | Comments |
Service From Date | Date | N | N/A |
Service Through Date | Date | N | N/A |
Clinical Data Access Groupid | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG |
Executed by StaffId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG |
Programs | Multiple Select | N | Program multiple select |
DataSets | Form(s) | CDAG Enforced | Comments |
DataSet1 | Staff service information | N/A | This query will get all services for both staff based and non-staff based (inpatient services, if applicable) where the status is in Show or Complete status (71,75) for selected staff date range, and programs. For group services, each client and the amount of time spent in the group appointment will display. The format of the report was designed so that end users can export the data out to Excel. |
GetCountyLogo | N/A | N/A | County logo image for display on page header |
DataSetProgram | Client Information | N/A | Used to populate the program parameter with active programs |
Default User Roles |
County Affiliate SysAdmin LPHA/Clinician Clinician Supervisor Inpatient/Residential Prescriber Health Maintenance Alert Medical/RN Reception and Front Desk Medical Records/Quality Assurance Non-LPHA Billing Supervisor Billing Medical Supervisor CalMHSA SysAdmin LVN/Minimal Medical Auditor/Read-Only Mental Health Clinical Organizational Provider SUD Organizational Provider MH Organizational Provider |